Manuel Perez Malumbres
Manuel Perez Malumbres
Professor of Computer Engineering, Miguel Hernandez University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
An efficient implementation of tree-based multicast routing for distributed shared-memory multiprocessors
MP Malumbres, J Duato, J Torrellas
Proceedings of SPDP'96: 8th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 1996
Hierarchical parallelization of an H. 264/AVC video encoder
A Rodriguez, A Gonzalez, MP Malumbres
International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering …, 2006
Monitoring pest insect traps by means of low-power image sensor technologies
O López, MM Rach, H Migallon, MP Malumbres, A Bonastre, JJ Serrano
Sensors 12 (11), 15801-15819, 2012
Efficient adaptive routing in networks of workstations with irregular topology
F Silla, MP Malumbres, A Robles, P López, J Duato
Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing …, 1997
On the design of a bioacoustic sensor for the early detection of the red palm weevil
MM Rach, HM Gomis, OL Granado, MP Malumbres, AM Campoy, ...
Sensors 13 (2), 1706-1729, 2013
QoS support in MANETs: a modular architecture based on the IEEE 802.11 e technology
CT Calafate, MP Malumbres, J Oliver, JC Cano, P Manzoni
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for video technology 19 (5), 678-692, 2009
Low-complexity multiresolution image compression using wavelet lower trees
J Oliver, MP Malumbres
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 16 (11), 1437 …, 2006
Underwater wireless sensor networks: how do acoustic propagation models impact the performance of higher-level protocols?
J Llor, MP Malumbres
Sensors 12 (2), 1312-1335, 2012
Improving routing performance in Myrinet networks
J Flich, MP Malumbres, P Lopez, J Duato
Proceedings 14th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2000
Performance of H. 264 compressed video streams over 802.11 b based MANETs
CT Calafate, MP Malumbres, P Manzoni
24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops …, 2004
On the design of fast wavelet transform algorithms with low memory requirements
J Oliver, MP Malumbres
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18 (2), 237-248, 2008
An efficient implementation of tree-based multicast routing for distributed shared-memory multiprocessors
MP Malumbres, J Duato
Journal of systems architecture 46 (11), 1019-1032, 2000
ns-2 vs. OPNET: a comparative study of the IEEE 802.11 e technology on MANET environments.
PP Garrido, MP Malumbres, CMT Calafate
Simutools, 37, 2008
Impact of adaptivity on the behavior of networks of workstations under bursty traffic
F Silla, MP Malumbres, J Duato, D Dai, DK Panda
Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on Parallel Processing (Cat. No …, 1998
A distributed admission control system for MANET environments supporting multipath routing protocols
CT Calafate, J Oliver, JC Cano, P Manzoni, MP Malumbres
Microprocessors and Microsystems 31 (4), 236-251, 2007
A study of objective quality assessment metrics for video codec design and evaluation
M Martinez-Rach, O López, P Pinol, MP Malumbres, J Oliver
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'06), 517-524, 2006
Fast and efficient spatial scalable image compression using wavelet lower trees
J Oliver, MP Malumbres
Data Compression Conference, 2003. Proceedings. DCC 2003, 133-142, 2003
Performance evaluation of parallel MPEG-4 video coding algorithms on clusters of workstations
A Rodriguez, A Gonzalez, MP Malumbres
Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, 2004. International Conference …, 2004
Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder
E Alcocer, R Gutierrez, O Lopez-Granado, MP Malumbres
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 16, 547-557, 2019
Boosting the performance of Myrinet networks
J Flich, P Lopez, MP Malumbres, J Duato
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 13 (11), 1166-1182, 2002
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