Allyson Palmer
Allyson Palmer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The Achilles’ heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs
YI Zhu, T Tchkonia, T Pirtskhalava, AC Gower, H Ding, N Giorgadze, ...
Aging cell 14 (4), 644-658, 2015
Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age
M Xu, T Pirtskhalava, JN Farr, BM Weigand, AK Palmer, MM Weivoda, ...
Nature medicine 24 (8), 1246-1256, 2018
Cellular senescence drives age-dependent hepatic steatosis
M Ogrodnik, S Miwa, T Tchkonia, D Tiniakos, CL Wilson, A Lahat, CP Day, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15691, 2017
Chronic senolytic treatment alleviates established vasomotor dysfunction in aged or atherosclerotic mice
CM Roos, B Zhang, AK Palmer, MB Ogrodnik, T Pirtskhalava, NM Thalji, ...
Aging cell 15 (5), 973-977, 2016
Targeting senescent cells enhances adipogenesis and metabolic function in old age
M Xu, AK Palmer, H Ding, MM Weivoda, T Pirtskhalava, TA White, A Sepe, ...
elife 4, e12997, 2015
Targeting senescent cells alleviates obesity‐induced metabolic dysfunction
AK Palmer, M Xu, YI Zhu, T Pirtskhalava, MM Weivoda, CM Hachfeld, ...
Aging cell 18 (3), e12950, 2019
Obesity-induced cellular senescence drives anxiety and impairs neurogenesis
M Ogrodnik, YI Zhu, LGP Langhi, T Tchkonia, P Krüger, E Fielder, ...
Cell metabolism 29 (5), 1061-1077. e8, 2019
Cellular senescence in type 2 diabetes: a therapeutic opportunity
AK Palmer, T Tchkonia, NK LeBrasseur, EN Chini, M Xu, JL Kirkland
Diabetes 64 (7), 2289-2298, 2015
Exercise prevents diet-induced cellular senescence in adipose tissue
MJ Schafer, TA White, G Evans, JM Tonne, GC Verzosa, MB Stout, ...
Diabetes 65 (6), 1606-1615, 2016
Aging and adipose tissue: potential interventions for diabetes and regenerative medicine
AK Palmer, JL Kirkland
Experimental gerontology 86, 97-105, 2016
Cellular senescence: at the nexus between ageing and diabetes
AK Palmer, B Gustafson, JL Kirkland, U Smith
Diabetologia 62, 1835-1841, 2019
Metabolic changes in aging humans: current evidence and therapeutic strategies
AK Palmer, MD Jensen
The Journal of clinical investigation 132 (16), 2022
Targeting p21Cip1 highly expressing cells in adipose tissue alleviates insulin resistance in obesity
L Wang, B Wang, NS Gasek, Y Zhou, RL Cohn, DE Martin, W Zuo, ...
Cell metabolism 34 (1), 75-89. e8, 2022
Growth hormone action predicts age-related white adipose tissue dysfunction and senescent cell burden in mice
MB Stout, T Tchkonia, T Pirtskhalava, AK Palmer, EO List, DE Berryman, ...
Aging (Albany NY) 6 (7), 575, 2014
17α-Estradiol alleviates age-related metabolic and inflammatory dysfunction in male mice without inducing feminization
MB Stout, FJ Steyn, MJ Jurczak, JPG Camporez, YI Zhu, JR Hawse, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2017
New horizons: novel approaches to enhance healthspan through targeting cellular senescence and related aging mechanisms
T Tchkonia, AK Palmer, JL Kirkland
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 106 (3), e1481-e1487, 2021
Orally-active, clinically-translatable senolytics restore α-Klotho in mice and humans
Y Zhu, LGPL Prata, EOW Gerdes, JME Netto, T Pirtskhalava, N Giorgadze, ...
EBioMedicine 77, 2022
Senescence marker activin A is increased in human diabetic kidney disease: association with kidney function and potential implications for therapy
X Bian, TP Griffin, X Zhu, MN Islam, SM Conley, A Eirin, H Tang, ...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 7 (1), 2019
Biomarkers of cellular senescence and risk of death in humans
JL St. Sauver, SA Weston, EJ Atkinson, ME Mc Gree, MM Mielke, ...
Aging Cell 22 (12), e14006, 2023
Senolytics: potential for alleviating diabetes and its complications
AK Palmer, T Tchkonia, JL Kirkland
Endocrinology 162 (8), bqab058, 2021
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