Damjan Zazula
Damjan Zazula
Professor of Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Multichannel blind source separation using convolution kernel compensation
A Holobar, D Zazula
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (9), 4487-4496, 2007
Estimating motor unit discharge patterns from high-density surface electromyogram
A Holobar, D Farina, M Gazzoni, R Merletti, D Zazula
Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (3), 551-562, 2009
Correlation-based decomposition of surface electromyograms at low contraction forces
A Holobar, D Zazula
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 42, 487-495, 2004
Detecting fruits in natural scenes by using spatial-frequency based texture analysis and multiview geometry
J Rakun, D Stajnko, D Zazula
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (1), 80-88, 2011
Real-time motor unit identification from high-density surface EMG
V Glaser, A Holobar, D Zazula
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 21 (6 …, 2013
Gradient convolution kernel compensation applied to surface electromyograms
A Holobar, D Zazula
International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal …, 2007
Multiscale entropy-based approach to automated surface EMG classification of neuromuscular disorders
R Istenič, PA Kaplanis, CS Pattichis, D Zazula
Medical & biological engineering & computing 48, 773-781, 2010
A cumulant-based method for gait identification using accelerometer data with principal component analysis and support vector machine
S Sprager, D Zazula
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 5 (11), 369-378, 2009
Adjustments differ among low-threshold motor units during intermittent, isometric contractions
D Farina, A Holobar, M Gazzoni, D Zazula, R Merletti, RM Enoka
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (1), 350-359, 2009
Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part I: segmentation of single 2D images
B Potočnik, D Zazula
Image and Vision Computing 20 (3), 217-225, 2002
Combined edge detection using wavelet transform and signal registration
D Heric, D Zazula
Image and Vision computing 25 (5), 652-662, 2007
Heartbeat and respiration detection from optical interferometric signals by using a multimethod approach
S Šprager, D Zazula
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 59 (10), 2922-2929, 2012
Cellular automata and follicle recognition problem and possibilities of using cellular automata for image recognition purposes
B Viher, A Dobnikar, D Zazula
International journal of medical informatics 49 (2), 231-241, 1998
Single autoterms selection for blind source separation in time-frequency plane
A Holobar, C Fevotte, C Doncarli, D Zazula
2002 11th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2002
Segmentation of ovarian ultrasound images using cellular neural networks
B Cigale, D Zazula
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 18 …, 2004
Thermal and visual image registration in hough parameter space
R Istenic, D Heric, S Ribaric, D Zazula
2007 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2007
Detection of heartbeat and respiration from optical interferometric signal by using wavelet transform
S Šprager, D Zazula
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 111 (1), 41-51, 2013
Automated computer-assisted detection of follicles in ultrasound images of ovary
B Potočnik, D Zazula, D Korže
Journal of medical systems 21, 445-457, 1997
An approach to surface EMG decomposition based on higher-order cumulants
D Zazula, A Holobar
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 80, S51-S60, 2005
Measurement of perifollicular blood flow of the dominant preovulatory follicle using three‐dimensional power Doppler
V Vlaisavljević, M Reljič, V Gavrić Lovrec, D Zazula, N Sergent
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Official Journal of the …, 2003
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