Dr. Kartik Baruah, Group Leader: Aquaculture Nutraceuticals Research Group
Dr. Kartik Baruah, Group Leader: Aquaculture Nutraceuticals Research Group
Department of Animal Nutrition & Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) increases growth performance and intestinal bacterial range-weighted richness in juvenile European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax
P De Schryver, AK Sinha, PS Kunwar, K Baruah, W Verstraete, N Boon, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 86, 1535-1541, 2010
Digestive enzymes and metabolic profile of Labeo rohita fingerlings fed diets with different crude protein levels
D Debnath, AK Pal, NP Sahu, S Yengkokpam, K Baruah, D Choudhury, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2007
Structure-functional activity relationship of β-glucans from the perspective of immunomodulation: a mini-review
B Han, K Baruah, E Cox, D Vanrompay, P Bossier
Frontiers in immunology 11, 658, 2020
Dietary microbial phytase and citric acid synergistically enhances nutrient digestibility and growth performance of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) juveniles at sub‐optimal …
K Baruah, NP Sahu, AK Pal, KK Jain, D Debnath, SC Mukherjee
Aquaculture Research 38 (2), 109-120, 2007
Dietary protein level, microbial phytase, citric acid and their interactions on bone mineralization of Labeo rohita (Hamilton) juveniles
K Baruah, AK Pal, NP Sahu, KK Jain, SC Mukherjee, D Debnath
Aquaculture Research 36 (8), 803-812, 2005
Dietary phytase: an ideal approach for a cost effective and low-polluting aquafeed
K Baruah, NP Sahu, AK Pal, D Debnath
NAGA, WorldFish Center Quarterly 27 (3), 15-19, 2004
Environmental heat stress induces epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of robustness in parthenogenetic Artemia model
P Norouzitallab, K Baruah, M Vandegehuchte, G Van Stappen, F Catania, ...
The FASEB Journal 28 (8), 3552-3563, 2014
Interactions of Dietary Microbial Phytase, Citric Acid and Crude Protein Level on Mineral Utilization by Rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton), Juveniles
K Baruah, NP Sahu, AK Pal, D Debnath, S Yengkokpam, SC Mukherjee
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 38 (2), 238-249, 2007
Thermal tolerance and oxygen consumption rates of the catfish Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther) acclimated to different temperatures
RS Dalvi, AK Pal, LR Tiwari, T Das, K Baruah
Aquaculture 295 (1-2), 116-119, 2009
Thermal tolerance and metabolic activity of yellowtail catfish Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton) advanced fingerlings with emphasis on their culture potential
D Debnath, AK Pal, NP Sahu, K Baruah, S Yengkokpam, T Das, ...
Aquaculture 258 (1-4), 606-610, 2006
Differential modulation of oxidative stress, antioxidant defense, histomorphology, ion-regulation and growth marker gene expression in goldfish (Carassius auratus) following …
N Romano, N Renukdas, H Fischer, J Shrivastava, K Baruah, N Egnew, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2020
Microbial Phytase Supplementation in Rohu, Labeo rohita, Diets Enhances Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility
K Baruah, AK Pal, NP Sahu, D Debnath, P Nourozitallab, P Sorgeloos
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 38 (1), 129-137, 2007
Present scenario and future prospects of phytase in aquafeed-Review
D Debnath, NP Sahu, AK Pal, K Baruah, S Yengkokpam, SC Mukherjee
Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences 18 (12), 1800-1812, 2005
Can epigenetics translate environmental cues into phenotypes?
P Norouzitallab, K Baruah, D Vanrompay, P Bossier
Science of the Total Environment 647, 1281-1293, 2019
Metabolic and cellular stress responses of catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther) acclimated to increasing temperatures
RS Dalvi, T Das, D Debnath, S Yengkokpam, K Baruah, LR Tiwari, AK Pal
Journal of Thermal Biology 65, 32-40, 2017
Probing the phenomenon of trained immunity in invertebrates during a transgenerational study, using brine shrimp Artemia as a model system
P Norouzitallab, K Baruah, P Biswas, D Vanrompay, P Bossier
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 21166, 2016
Dietary high protein and vitamin C mitigates endosulfan toxicity in the spotted murrel, Channa punctatus (Bloch, 1793)
K Sarma, AK Pal, NP Sahu, S Ayyappan, K Baruah
Science of the Total Environment 407 (12), 3668-3673, 2009
AI-2 quorum-sensing inhibitors affect the starvation response and reduce virulence in several Vibrio species, most likely by interfering with LuxPQ
G Brackman, S Celen, K Baruah, P Bossier, S Van Calenbergh, HJ Nelis, ...
Microbiology 155 (12), 4114-4122, 2009
Acclimation of Anabas testudineus (Bloch) to three test temperatures influences thermal tolerance and oxygen consumption
K Sarma, AK Pal, S Ayyappan, T Das, SM Manush, D Debnath, K Baruah
Fish physiology and biochemistry 36, 85-90, 2010
Modulation of key enzymes of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, amino acid catabolism, and TCA cycle of the tropical freshwater fish Labeo rohita fed gelatinized and …
V Kumar, NP Sahu, AK Pal, S Kumar, AK Sinha, J Ranjan, K Baruah
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36, 491-499, 2010
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