Tero Klemola
Tero Klemola
Yliopistonlehtori, Turun yliopisto
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Predator–induced synchrony in population oscillations of coexisting small mammal species
E Korpimäki, K Norrdahl, O Huitu, T Klemola
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1559), 193-202, 2005
Dynamic effects of predators on cyclic voles: field experimentation and model extrapolation
E Korpimäki, K Norrdahl, T Klemola, T Pettersen, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Birds help plants: a meta-analysis of top-down trophic cascades caused by avian predators
E Mäntylä, T Klemola, T Laaksonen
Oecologia 165, 143-151, 2011
Birch (Betula spp.) leaves adsorb and re‐release volatiles specific to neighbouring plants – a mechanism for associational herbivore resistance?
SJ Himanen, JD Blande, T Klemola, J Pulkkinen, J Heijari, JK Holopainen
New Phytologist 186 (3), 722-732, 2010
From plants to birds: higher avian predation rates in trees responding to insect herbivory
E Mäntylä, GA Alessio, JD Blande, J Heijari, JK Holopainen, T Laaksonen, ...
PLoS One 3 (7), e2832, 2008
Specialist and generalist natural enemies as an explanation for geographical gradients in population cycles of northern herbivores
T Klemola, M Tanhuanpää, E Korpimäki, K Ruohomäki
Oikos 99 (1), 83-94, 2002
Winter food supply limits growth of northern vole populations in the absence of predation
O Huitu, M Koivula, E Korpimäki, T Klemola, K Norrdahl
Ecology 84 (8), 2108-2118, 2003
Experimental tests of predation and food hypotheses for population cycles of voles
T Klemola, M Koivula, E Korpimäki, K Norrdahl
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Natural host‐plant quality affects immune defence of an insect herbivore
N Klemola, T Klemola, MJ Rantala, T Ruuhola
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 123 (2), 167-176, 2007
Crowdsourcing-based nationwide tick collection reveals the distribution of Ixodes ricinus and I. persulcatus and associated pathogens in Finland
M Laaksonen, E Sajanti, JJ Sormunen, R Penttinen, J Hänninen, ...
Emerging microbes & infections 6 (1), 1-7, 2017
Vole cycles and predation in temperate and boreal zones of Europe
E Korpimäki, L Oksanen, T Oksanen, T Klemola, KAI Norrdahl, PB Banks
Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (6), 1150-1159, 2005
Small mustelid predation slows population growth of Microtus voles: a predator reduction experiment
T Klemola, M Koivula, E Korpimäki, K Norrdahl
Journal of Animal Ecology, 607-614, 1997
Different impact of pupal predation on populations of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera; Geometridae) within and outside the outbreak range
M Tanhuanpää, K Ruohomäki, P Kaitaniemi, T Klemola
Journal of Animal Ecology 68 (3), 562-570, 1999
Tick-borne bacterial pathogens in southwestern Finland
JJ Sormunen, R Penttinen, T Klemola, J Hänninen, I Vuorinen, ...
Parasites & vectors 9, 1-10, 2016
Attraction of willow warblers to sawfly‐damaged mountain birches: novel function of inducible plant defences?
E Mäntylä, T Klemola, E Haukioja
Ecology Letters 7 (10), 915-918, 2004
Strong seasonality may attenuate trophic cascades: vertebrate predator exclusion in boreal grassland
K Norrdahl, T Klemola, E Korpimäki, M Koivula
Oikos 99 (3), 419-430, 2002
Identification of COL2A1 gene mutations in patients with chondrodysplasias and familial osteoarthritis
P Ritvaniemi, J Körkkö, J Bonaventure, M Vikkula, J Hyland, P Paassilta, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1995
Tick-borne pathogens in Finland: comparison of Ixodes ricinus and I. persulcatus in sympatric and parapatric areas
M Laaksonen, T Klemola, E Feuth, JJ Sormunen, A Puisto, S Mäkelä, ...
Parasites & Vectors 11, 1-13, 2018
Geographically partitioned spatial synchrony among cyclic moth populations
T Klemola, O Huitu, K Ruohomäki
Oikos 114 (2), 349-359, 2006
Trophic interactions in population cycles of voles and lemmings: a model-based synthesis
T Klemola, T Pettersen, NC Stenseth
Academic Press 33, 75-160, 2003
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20