Prof. Dr. Raed Alsaqour
Prof. Dr. Raed Alsaqour
Saudi Electronic University (SEU)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Vehicular communication ad hoc routing protocols: A survey
BT Sharef, RA Alsaqour, M Ismail
Journal of network and computer applications 40, 363-396, 2014
Energy efficient multipath routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network using the fitness function
A Taha, R Alsaqour, M Uddin, M Abdelhaq, T Saba
IEEE access 5, 10369-10381, 2017
Deep learning for depression detection from textual data
A Amanat, M Rizwan, AR Javed, M Abdelhaq, R Alsaqour, S Pandya, ...
Electronics 11 (5), 676, 2022
Cloud computing adoption model for universities to increase ICT proficiency
S Okai, M Uddin, A Arshad, R Alsaqour, A Shah
Sage Open 4 (3), 2158244014546461, 2014
Signature-based Multi-Layer Distributed Intrusion Detection System using Mobile Agents.
M Uddin, AA Rahman, N Uddin, J Memon, RA Alsaqour, S Kazi
Int. J. Netw. Secur. 15 (2), 97-105, 2013
Dynamic packet beaconing for GPSR mobile ad hoc position-based routing protocol using fuzzy logic
R Alsaqour, M Abdelhaq, R Saeed, M Uddin, O Alsukour, M Al-Hubaishi, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 47, 32-46, 2015
Optimal deep learning based fusion model for biomedical image classification
RF Mansour, NM Alfar, S Abdel‐Khalek, M Abdelhaq, RA Saeed, ...
Expert Systems 39 (3), e12764, 2022
Hyperledger fabric blockchain: Secure and efficient solution for electronic health records
M Uddin, MS Memon, I Memon, I Ali, J Memon, M Abdelhaq, R Alsaqour
Computers, Materials & Continua 68 (2), 2377-2397, 2021
Machine learning-based anomaly detection using K-mean array and sequential minimal optimization
S Gadal, R Mokhtar, M Abdelhaq, R Alsaqour, ES Ali, R Saeed
Electronics 11 (14), 2158, 2022
A local intrusion detection routing security over MANET network
M Abdelhaq, S Serhan, R Alsaqour, R Hassan
Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2011 International …, 2011
Anomaly detection in 6G networks using machine learning methods
MM Saeed, RA Saeed, M Abdelhaq, R Alsaqour, MK Hasan, RA Mokhtar
Electronics 12 (15), 3300, 2023
A survey of data dissemination schemes in vehicular named data networking
H Al-Omaisi, EA Sundararajan, R Alsaqour, NF Abdullah, M Abdelhaq
Vehicular Communications 30, 100353, 2021
Measuring efficiency of tier level data centers to implement green energy efficient data centers
M Uddin, A Shah, R Alsaqour, J Memon, MJ Saqour RAHASRAHA
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (2), 200-207, 2013
Mobile ad hoc network energy cost algorithm based on artificial bee colony
M Tareq, R Alsaqour, M Abdelhaq, M Uddin
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (1), 4519357, 2017
Effect of network parameters on neighbor wireless link breaks in GPSR protocol and enhancement using mobility prediction model
RA Alsaqour, MS Abdelhaq, OA Alsukour
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012 (1), 171, 2012
Review on electronic commerce
N Shafiyah, R Alsaqour, H Shaker, O Alsaqour, M Uddin
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 18 (9), 1357-1365, 2013
Mapping acceptance of Indonesian organic food consumption under Covid-19 pandemic using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter dataset
BS Rintyarna, M Salamatu, M Nazmona
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 99 (5), 1009-1019, 2021
Robust and trust dynamic mobile gateway selection in heterogeneous VANET-UMTS network
B Sharef, R Alsaqour, M Alawi, M Abdelhaq, E Sundararajan
Vehicular communications 12, 75-87, 2018
Network threat detection using machine/deep learning in sdn-based platforms: a comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art solutions, discussion, challenges, and future research …
N Ahmed, A Ngadi, JM Sharif, S Hussain, M Uddin, MS Rathore, J Iqbal, ...
Sensors 22 (20), 7896, 2022
Mobile agent based multi-layer security framework for cloud data centers
M Uddin, J Memon, R Alsaqour, A Shah, MZA Rozan
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (12), 1, 2015
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