Christian Percy
Christian Percy
Nežinomas ryšys
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Drawing the future: Exploring the career aspirations of primary school children from around the world
N Chambers, ET Kashefpakdel, J Rehill, C Percy
London: Education and Employers, 2018
Predicting online gambling self-exclusion: An analysis of the performance of supervised machine learning models
C Percy, M França, S Dragičević, A d’Avila Garcez
International Gambling Studies 16 (2), 193-210, 2016
Career ready?: How schools can better prepare young people for working life in the era of COVID-19
A Mann, V Denis, C Percy
OECD Education Working Papers, 2020
A descriptive analysis of demographic and behavioral data from internet gamblers and those who self-exclude from online gambling platforms
S Dragicevic, C Percy, A Kudic, J Parke
Journal of Gambling Studies 31, 105-132, 2015
Career education that works: An economic analysis using the British Cohort Study
ET Kashefpakdel, C Percy
Journal of Education and Work 30 (3), 217-234, 2017
Employer engagement in British secondary education: wage earning outcomes experienced by young adults
A Mann, C Percy
Journal of education and work 27 (5), 496-523, 2014
Accuracy and interpretability trade-offs in machine learning applied to safer gambling
S Sarkar, T Weyde, A Garcez, GG Slabaugh, S Dragicevic, C Percy
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1773, 2016
School-mediated employer engagement and labour market outcomes for young adults: Wage premia, NEET outcomes and career confidence1
C Percy, A Mann
Understanding employer engagement in education, 205-220, 2014
Accountability in AI: From principles to industry-specific accreditation
C Percy, S Dragicevic, S Sarkar, A d’Avila Garcez
AI Communications 34 (3), 181-196, 2022
The need for knowledge extraction: Understanding harmful gambling behavior with neural networks
C Percy, AS d'Avila Garcez, S Dragičević, MVM França, G Slabaugh, ...
ECAI 2016, 974-981, 2016
Exploring the career aspirations of primary school children from around the world
N Chambers, T Kashefpakdel, J Rehill, C Percy
Education and Employers. https://www. educationandemployers. org/wpcontent …, 2018
Don’t forget the boundary problem! How EM field topology can address the overlooked cousin to the binding problem for consciousness
A Gómez-Emilsson, C Percy
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17, 1233119, 2023
Lessons Learned from Problem Gambling Classification: Indirect Discrimination and Algorithmic Fairness.
C Percy, ASA Garcez, S Dragicevic, S Sarkar
AI4SG@ AAAI Fall Symposium, 2020
Our plan for Higher Education: Diverse, employment-focused, value for money
O Newton, A Laczik, C Percy
The Edge Foundation, 2017
Starting early: Building the foundations for success
C Percy, A Amegah, N Chambers
Education and Employers Research. http://hdl. voced. edu. au/10707/574729, 2021
Disconnected: Career aspirations and jobs in the UK
N Chambers, C Percy, M Rogers
Education and Employers 1, 2020
Volatility under the spotlight: Panel regression analysis of online slots player in the UK
C Percy, K Tsarvenkov, S Dragicevic, PH Delfabbro, J Parke
International Gambling Studies 21 (3), 395-410, 2021
The benefits of Gatsby Benchmark achievement for post-16 destinations
C Percy, E Tanner
The Careers and Enterprise Company, 2021
Social advantage, access to employers and the role of schools in modern British education
C Percy, E Kashefpakdel
Career guidance for emancipation, 148-165, 2018
Insight and Inspiration: Exploring the Impact of Guest Speakers in Schools
C Percy, J Rehill, E Kashefpakdel, A Hodges, M Haskins
Education and Employers, 2019
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