Sharon L. Thompson-Schill
Sharon L. Thompson-Schill
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Role of left inferior prefrontal cortex in retrieval of semantic knowledge: a reevaluation
SL Thompson-Schill, M D’Esposito, GK Aguirre, MJ Farah
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (26), 14792-14797, 1997
Cognitive control and parsing: Reexamining the role of Broca’s area in sentence comprehension
JM Novick, JC Trueswell, SL Thompson-Schill
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 5 (3), 263-281, 2005
Neuroimaging studies of semantic memory: inferring “how” from “where”
SL Thompson-Schill
Neuropsychologia 41 (3), 280-292, 2003
Reworking the language network
E Fedorenko, SL Thompson-Schill
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (3), 120-126, 2014
Effects of repetition and competition on activity in left prefrontal cortex during word generation
SL Thompson-Schill, M D'Esposito, IP Kan
Neuron 23 (3), 513-522, 1999
Verb generation in patients with focal frontal lesions: A neuropsychological test of neuroimaging findings
SL Thompson-Schill, D Swick, MJ Farah, M D’Esposito, IP Kan, RT Knight
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (26), 15855-15860, 1998
Interfering with theories of sleep and memory: sleep, declarative memory, and associative interference
JM Ellenbogen, JC Hulbert, R Stickgold, DF Dinges, SL Thompson-Schill
Current Biology 16 (13), 1290-1294, 2006
Modulation of amygdalar activity by the conscious regulation of negative emotion
SM Schaefer, DC Jackson, RJ Davidson, GK Aguirre, DY Kimberg, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 14 (6), 913-921, 2002
The frontal lobes and the regulation of mental activity
SL Thompson-Schill, M Bedny, RF Goldberg
Current opinion in neurobiology 15 (2), 219-224, 2005
Effects of frontal lobe damage on interference effects in working memory
SL Thompson-Schill, J Jonides, C Marshuetz, EE Smith, M D’Esposito, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 2 (2), 109-120, 2002
Cognition without control: When a little frontal lobe goes a long way
SL Thompson-Schill, M Ramscar, EG Chrysikou
Current directions in psychological science 18 (5), 259-263, 2009
Role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in covert word retrieval: neural correlates of switching during verbal fluency
EA Hirshorn, SL Thompson-Schill
Neuropsychologia 44 (12), 2547-2557, 2006
Localizing interference during naming: Convergent neuroimaging and neuropsychological evidence for the function of Broca's area
TT Schnur, MF Schwartz, DY Kimberg, E Hirshorn, HB Coslett, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (1), 322-327, 2009
A neural basis for category and modality specificity of semantic knowledge
SL Thompson-Schill, GK Aguirre, M Desposito, MJ Farah
Neuropsychologia 37 (6), 671-676, 1999
Putting concepts into context
E Yee, SL Thompson-Schill
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 1015-1027, 2016
Effect of name agreement on prefrontal activity during overt and covert picture naming
IP Kan, SL Thompson-Schill
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 4 (1), 43-57, 2004
Broca’s area and language processing: Evidence for the cognitive control connection
JM Novick, JC Trueswell, SL Thompson‐Schill
Language and Linguistics Compass 4 (10), 906-924, 2010
Co-localization of Stroop and syntactic ambiguity resolution in Broca's area: Implications for the neural basis of sentence processing
D January, JC Trueswell, SL Thompson-Schill
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (12), 2434-2444, 2009
A case for conflict across multiple domains: Memory and language impairments following damage to ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
JM Novick, IP Kan, JC Trueswell, SL Thompson-Schill
Cognitive neuropsychology 26 (6), 527-567, 2009
Conceptual representations of action in the lateral temporal cortex
JW Kable, IP Kan, A Wilson, SL Thompson-Schill, A Chatterjee
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (12), 1855-1870, 2005
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