Thang T. Nguyen
Thang T. Nguyen
MCG Lab, Monash University; Senior Lecturer at HUCE
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Experimental and numerical investigation of influence of air-voids on the compressive behaviour of foamed concrete
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen
Materials & Design 130, 103-119, 2017
A micromechanical investigation for the effects of pore size and its distribution on geopolymer foam concrete under uniaxial compression
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen, MU Kreher, F Darve
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 209, 228-244, 2019
Uncertainty quantification of the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using micromechanical modelling
T Nguyen, A Ghazlan, T Nguyen, HT Thai, T Ngo
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 173, 105468, 2020
Navier solution for static and free vibration analysis of sandwich plate with auxetic honeycomb core resting on Pasternak elastic foundation
TT Nguyen, LV Nguyen, TM Tran, NH Nguyen, AC Mai
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (JSTCE)-HUCE 16 (3 …, 2022
Development of free-field and compliant base SPH boundary conditions for large deformation seismic response analysis of geomechanics problems
TN Hoang, HH Bui, TT Nguyen, TV Nguyen, GD Nguyen
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 432, 117370, 2024
Experimental investigation and numerical modeling on mechanical behavior of highly porous cement-based material: An overview
TT Nguyen
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (27), 9040-9061, 2024
Discrete element modelling of the mechanical behaviour of a highly porous foamed concrete
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen
Poromechanics VI, 1380-1387, 2017
SPH simulation of earthquake-induced liquefaction and large deformation behaviour of granular materials using SANISAND constitutive model
TN Hoang, TT Nguyen, TV Nguyen, GD Nguyen, HH Bui
Computers and Geotechnics 174, 106617, 2024
Constitutive Response and Failure Mechanism of Porous Cement-Based Materials under Triaxial Stress States
TT Nguyen, LV Tran, TT Pham, LN Tran
Modern Mechanics and Applications: Select Proceedings of ICOMMA 2020, 935-944, 2022
Exact closed-form solutions for the free vibration analysis of multiple cracked FGM nanobeams
TV Lien, TB Dinh, NT Thang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2024
The influence of PVA content on the flexural behavior of engineered cementitious composite using local materials
TT Nguyen, TC Nguyen, VT Nguyen, DS Pham, TV Vu, TM Tran
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (JSTCE)-HUCE 16 (2 …, 2022
Phân tích kết cấu khung bằng phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn khoảng
TV Liên, NT Thắng, NT Bình
Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng 15 (3), 18-28, 2013
Free vibration analysis of FGM framed nanostructures using variational-consistent boundary conditions
T Van Lien, TB Dinh, NT Thang
Vietnam Journal of Mechanics 45 (2), 145-163, 2023
Deflection of reinforced concrete beams with existing cracks, considering the effects of creep and shrinkage
TT Nguyen, DB Tran, LV Tran
The 11th National Conference on Mechanics 1 (1), 245, 2022
A Nonlocal Dynamic Stiffness Model for Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Nanobeams
T Van Lien, NT Duc, TB Dinh, NT Thang
Modern Mechanics and Applications: Select Proceedings of ICOMMA 2020, 458-475, 2022
A parametric study on the fracture behaviour of a compessive concrete specimen and a three-point bending beam based on the Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)
TT Nguyen
The 15th National Scientific Conference, Deformation Solid mechanics 1 (1), 883, 2021
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