Reinhard Fink
Shale gas potential of the major marine shale formations in the Upper Yangtze Platform, south China, Part III: Mineralogical, lithofacial, petrophysical, and rock mechanical …
J Tan, B Horsfield, R Fink, B Krooss, HM Schulz, E Rybacki, J Zhang, ...
Energy & Fuels 28 (4), 2322-2342, 2014
The role of pre-adsorbed water on methane sorption capacity of Bossier and Haynesville shales
A Merkel, R Fink, R Littke
International Journal of Coal Geology 147, 1-8, 2015
High pressure methane sorption characteristics of lacustrine shales from the Midland Valley Basin, Scotland
A Merkel, R Fink, R Littke
Fuel 182, 361-372, 2016
Apparent permeability of gas shales–Superposition of fluid-dynamic and poro-elastic effects
R Fink, BM Krooss, Y Gensterblum, A Amann-Hildenbrand
Fuel 199, 532-550, 2017
Pore structure, gas storage and matrix transport characteristics of lacustrine Newark shale
R Fink, A Amann-Hildenbrand, P Bertier, R Littke
Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 525-539, 2018
Stress-dependence of porosity and permeability of the Upper Jurassic Bossier shale: an experimental study
R Fink, BM Krooss, A Amann-Hildenbrand
Nanoscale pore structure of Carboniferous coals from the Ukrainian Donets Basin: A combined HRTEM and gas sorption study
S Vranjes-Wessely, D Misch, I Issa, D Kiener, R Fink, T Seemann, B Liu, ...
International journal of coal geology 224, 103484, 2020
Gas permeability tests on core plugs from unconventional reservoir rocks under controlled stress: a comparison of different transient methods
G Gaus, A Amann-Hildenbrand, BM Krooss, R Fink
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 65, 224-236, 2019
Solid bitumen in calcite veins from the Natih Formation in the Oman Mountains: Multiple phases of petroleum migration in a changing stress field
R Fink, S Virgo, M Arndt, W Visser, R Littke, JL Urai
International Journal of Coal Geology 157, 39-51, 2016
Simultaneous determination of the effective stress coefficients for permeability and volumetric strain on a tight sandstone
S Nolte, R Fink, BM Krooss, R Littke
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 95, 104186, 2021
KG²B, a collaborative benchmarking exercise for estimating the permeability of the Grimsel granodiorite–Part 1: measurements, pressure dependence and pore-fluid effects
C David, J Wassermann, F Amann, DA Lockner, EH Rutter, T Vanorio, ...
Geophysical Journal International 215 (2), 799-824, 2018
Controls on gas storage characteristics of Upper Paleozoic shales from the southeastern Ordos Basin
J Qiao, R Littke, L Zieger, Z Jiang, R Fink
Marine and Petroleum Geology 117, 104377, 2020
Gas permeability calculation of tight rocks based on laboratory measurements with non-ideal gas slippage and poroelastic effects considered
Z Wang, R Fink, Y Wang, A Amann-Hildenbrand, BM Krooss, M Wang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 112, 16-24, 2018
A comparative study on methods for determining the hydraulic properties of a clay shale
L Winhausen, A Amann-Hildenbrand, R Fink, M Jalali, K Khaledi, ...
Geophysical Journal International 224 (3), 1523-1539, 2021
Experimental investigation of the dependence of accessible porosity and methane sorption capacity of carbonaceous shales on particle size
G Gaus, A Kalmykov, BM Krooss, R Fink
Geofluids 2020 (1), 2382153, 2020
Pore structure and sorption capacity investigations of Ediacaran and Lower Silurian gas shales from the Upper Yangtze platform, China
Z Hu, G Gaus, T Seemann, Q Zhang, R Littke, R Fink
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 7 (3), 71, 2021
Reduction of shale permeability by temperature-induced creep
Q Zhang, R Fink, B Krooss, M Jalali, R Littke
Spe Journal 26 (02), 750-764, 2021
Petrophysical characterization of low-permeable carbonaceous rocks: Comparison of different experimental methods
M Shabani, BM Krooss, M Hallenberger, A Amann-Hildenbrand, R Fink, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 122, 104658, 2020
Experimental determination of porosity and methane sorption capacity of organic-rich shales as a function of effective stress: Implications for gas storage capacity
G Gaus, R Fink, A Amann-Hildenbrand, BM Krooss, R Littke
Aapg Bulletin 105 (2), 309-328, 2021
Methane sorption behaviour of coals altered by igneous intrusion, South Sumatra Basin
Q Guo, R Fink, R Littke, L Zieger
International Journal of Coal Geology 214, 103250, 2019
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