Amir H. Ashouri
Amir H. Ashouri
Kiti vardaiAmir Hossein Ashouri
Staff Compiler Eng., Huawei Technologies, Canada
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A Survey on Compiler Autotuning Using Machine Learning
AH Ashouri, W Killian, J Cavazos, G Palermo, C Silvano
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 96, 2018
MiCOMP: Mitigating the compiler phase-ordering problem using optimization sub-sequences and machine learning
AH Ashouri, A Bignoli, G Palermo, C Silvano, S Kulkarni, J Cavazos
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 14 (3), 29, 2017
COBAYN: Compiler Autotuning Framework Using Bayesian Networks
AH Ashouri, G Mariani, G Palermo, E Park, J Cavazos, C Silvano
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 13 (2), 21, 2016
A Bayesian Network Approach for Compiler Auto-tuning for Embedded processors
AH Ashouri, G Mariani, G Palermo, C Silvano
2014 IEEE 12th Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia …, 2014
Predictive Modeling Methodology for Compiler Phase-Ordering
AH Ashouri, A Bignoli, G Palermo, C Silvano
ACM PARMA-DITAM, 7th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time …, 2016
Retraining-free Methods for Fast On-the-fly Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks
AH Ashouri, TS Abdelrahman, A Dos Remedios
Neurocomputing 370, 56-69, 2019
A Framework for Compiler Level Statistical Analysis Over Customized VLIW Architecture
AH Ashouri, V Zaccaria, S Xydis, G Palermo, C Silvano
IEEE/IFIP 21st International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration …, 2013
Automatic Tuning of Compilers Using Machine Learning
AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cavazos, C Silvano
Springer Book - 978-3-319-71489-9, 2018
SOCRATES—A seamless online compiler and system runtime autotuning framework for energy-aware applications
D Gadioli, R Nobre, P Pinto, E Vitali, AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cardoso, ...
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2018
MLGOPerf: An ML Guided Inliner to Optimize Performance
AH Ashouri, M Elhoushi, Y Hua, X Wang, MA Manzoor, B Chan, Y Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.08389, 2022
Autotuning and adaptivity in energy efficient HPC systems: the ANTAREX toolbox
C Silvano, G Palermo, G Agosta, AH Ashouri, D Gadioli, S Cherubin, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers …, 2018
Compiler Autotuning using Machine Learning Techniques
AH Ashouri
Ph. D. Dissertation. Politecnico di Milano, Italy. …, 2016
An Evaluation of Autotuning Techniques for the Compiler Optimization Problems
AH Ashouri, C Palermo, C Silvano
Res4ant Workshop (Co-located with DATE 2016)- RESource Awareness and …, 2016
Design Space Exploration Methodology for Compiler Parameters in VLIW Processors
AH Ashouri
M. Sc. Dissertation. Politecnico di Milano, Italy. …, 2012
The Phase-Ordering Problem: A Complete Sequence Prediction Approach
AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cavazos, C Silvano, AH Ashouri, G Palermo, ...
Automatic Tuning of Compilers Using Machine Learning, 85-113, 2018
The Phase-Ordering Problem: An Intermediate Speedup Prediction Approach
AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cavazos, C Silvano, AH Ashouri, G Palermo, ...
Automatic Tuning of Compilers Using Machine Learning, 71-83, 2018
Selecting the Best Compiler Optimizations: A Bayesian Network Approach
AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cavazos, C Silvano
Automatic Tuning of Compilers Using Machine Learning, 41-70, 2017
Design Space Exploration of Compiler Passes: A Co-Exploration Approach for the Embedded Domain
AH Ashouri, G Palermo, J Cavazos, C Silvano, AH Ashouri, G Palermo, ...
Automatic Tuning of Compilers Using Machine Learning, 23-39, 2018
ACPO: AI-Enabled Compiler Framework
AH Ashouri, MA Manzoor, DM Vu, R Zhang, Z Wang, A Zhang, Colin Toft, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09982, 2023
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