Karen Aldrup
Karen Aldrup
Postdoc, IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Student misbehavior and teacher well-being: Testing the mediating role of the teacher-student relationship
K Aldrup, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke, R Göllner, U Trautwein
Learning and instruction 58, 126-136, 2018
Does basic need satisfaction mediate the link between stress exposure and well-being? A diary study among beginning teachers
K Aldrup, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke
Learning and Instruction 50, 21-30, 2017
Is empathy the key to effective teaching? A systematic review of its association with teacher-student interactions and student outcomes
K Aldrup, B Carstensen, U Klusmann
Educational Psychology Review 34 (3), 1177-1216, 2022
Measuring teachers’ social-emotional competence: Development and validation of a situational judgment test
K Aldrup, B Carstensen, MM Köller, U Klusmann
Frontiers in psychology 11, 892, 2020
Social support and classroom management are related to secondary students’ general school adjustment: A multilevel structural equation model using student and teacher ratings.
K Aldrup, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke, R Göllner, U Trautwein
Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (8), 1066, 2018
Does instructional quality mediate the link between teachers’ emotional exhaustion and student outcomes? A large-scale study using teacher and student reports.
U Klusmann, K Aldrup, J Roloff, O Lüdtke, BK Hamre
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (6), 1442, 2022
Is emotional exhaustion only the result of work experiences? A diary study on daily hassles and uplifts in different life domains
U Klusmann, K Aldrup, J Schmidt, O Lüdtke
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 34 (2), 173-190, 2021
Teachers’ emotional exhaustion during the COVID-19 pandemic: Levels, changes, and relations to pandemic-specific demands
U Klusmann, K Aldrup, J Roloff-Bruchmann, B Carstensen, G Wartenberg, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 121, 103908, 2023
Teachers' emotional experiences in response to daily events with individual students varying in perceived past disruptive behavior
JA de Ruiter, AMG Poorthuis, K Aldrup, HMY Koomen
Journal of School Psychology 82, 85-102, 2020
Reciprocal associations between students’ mathematics anxiety and achievement: Can teacher sensitivity make a difference?
K Aldrup, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke
Journal of Educational Psychology 112 (4), 735, 2020
The role of teachers’ emotion regulation in teaching effectiveness: A systematic review integrating four lines of research
K Aldrup, B Carstensen, U Klusmann
Educational Psychologist 59 (2), 89-110, 2024
Satisfied and high performing? A meta-analysis and systematic review of the correlates of teachers’ job satisfaction
G Wartenberg, K Aldrup, S Grund, U Klusmann
Educational Psychology Review 35 (4), 114, 2023
Die Effekte der Interessendiagnostik mittels Self-Assessments auf die Studienwahl
K Aldrup, M Köller, U Klusmann
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2016
How to continue? New approaches to investigating the effects of adaptive math learning programs on students’ performance, self-concept, and anxiety
A Hilz, K Guill, J Roloff, D Sommerhoff, K Aldrup
Journal of Intelligence 11 (6), 108, 2023
Assessing the effects of student perceptions of instructional quality: A cross-subject within-student design
E Ruzek, K Aldrup, O Lüdtke
Contemporary Educational Psychology 70, 102085, 2022
The relationship between individual characteristics and practice behaviour within an adaptive arithmetic learning program
A Hilz, K Guill, J Roloff, K Aldrup, O Köller
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39 (3), 970-983, 2023
Soziale Eingebundenheit mit Schülerinnen und Schülern
K Aldrup, U Klusmann
Soziale Eingebundenheit, 271, 2020
The teacher-student relationship is beneficial for both sides: Associations with students' school adjustment and teachers' occupational well-being
K Aldrup
Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, 2017
Lehrer_in werden?!
MM Köller, K Aldrup, U Klusmann
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 2017
How stable is student teachers’ emotional exhaustion? Disentangling different components of stability and change using the STARTS model.
B Carstensen, K Aldrup, O Lüdtke, U Klusmann
Journal of Educational Psychology 116 (5), 703, 2024
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