Paolo Garza
A lazy approach to associative classification
E Baralis, S Chiusano, P Garza
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (2), 156-171, 2007
A lazy approach to pruning classification rules
E Baralis, P Garza
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 35-42, 2002
Infrequent weighted itemset mining using frequent pattern growth
L Cagliero, P Garza
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 26 (4), 903-915, 2013
Generalized association rule mining with constraints
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, P Garza
Information Sciences 194, 68-84, 2012
Frequent itemsets mining for big data: a comparative analysis
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, F Pulvirenti, L Venturini
Big data research 9, 67-83, 2017
On support thresholds in associative classification
E Baralis, S Chiusano, P Garza
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 553-558, 2004
Double-step u-net: A deep learning-based approach for the estimation of wildfire damage severity through sentinel-2 satellite data
A Farasin, L Colomba, P Garza
Applied Sciences 10 (12), 4332, 2020
SQL versus NoSQL databases for geospatial applications
E Baralis, A Dalla Valle, P Garza, C Rossi, F Scullino
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3388-3397, 2017
Mwi-sum: A multilingual summarizer based on frequent weighted itemsets
E Baralis, L Cagliero, A Fiori, P Garza
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 34 (1), 1-35, 2015
Towards feasible topology formation algorithms for Bluetooth-based WPAN's
CF Chiasserini, MA Marsan, E Baralis, P Garza
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Support driven opportunistic aggregation for generalized itemset extraction
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, V D'Elia, P Garza
2010 5th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, 102-107, 2010
CAS-Mine: providing personalized services in context-aware applications by means of generalized rules
E Baralis, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, M Marchetti
Knowledge and Information Systems 28 (2), 283-310, 2011
ELSA: A multilingual document summarization algorithm based on frequent itemsets and latent semantic analysis
L Cagliero, P Garza, E Baralis
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 37 (2), 1-33, 2019
Answering XML queries by means of data summaries
E Baralis, P Garza, E Quintarelli, L Tanca
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 25 (3), 10-es, 2007
Improving classification models with taxonomy information
L Cagliero, P Garza
Data & Knowledge Engineering 86, 85-101, 2013
Analyzing air pollution on the urban environment
E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, P Garza, MR Kavoosifar
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Predicting critical conditions in bicycle sharing systems
L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, P Garza, X Xiao
Computing 99 (1), 39-57, 2017
SeLINA: A self-learning insightful network analyzer
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, D Giordano, M Mellia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (3), 696-710, 2016
EnBay: A novel pattern-based Bayesian classifier
E Baralis, L Cagliero, P Garza
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (12), 2780-2795, 2012
A parallel mapreduce algorithm to efficiently support itemset mining on high dimensional data
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, F Pulvirenti, P Michiardi
Big Data Research 10, 53-69, 2017
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