Diane Z. Chase
Diane Z. Chase
University of Houston, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Airborne LiDAR, archaeology, and the ancient Maya landscape at Caracol, Belize
AF Chase, DZ Chase, JF Weishampel, JB Drake, RL Shrestha, KC Slatton, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2), 387-398, 2011
Mesoamerican elites: An archaeological assessment
DZ Chase, AF Chase
University of Oklahoma Press, 2003
Geospatial revolution and remote sensing LiDAR in Mesoamerican archaeology
AF Chase, DZ Chase, CT Fisher, SJ Leisz, JF Weishampel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (32), 12916-12921, 2012
More than kin and king: Centralized political organization among the Late Classic Maya
AF Chase, DZ Chase
Current anthropology 37 (5), 803-810, 1996
Scale and intensity in classic period Maya agriculture: Terracing and settlement at the" garden city" of Caracol, Belize
AF Chase, DZ Chase
Culture & Agriculture 20 (2‐3), 60-77, 1998
Ancient Maya causeways and site organization at Caracol, Belize
AF Chase, DZ Chase
Ancient Mesoamerica 12 (2), 273-281, 2001
Investigations at the Classic Maya City of Caracol, Belize: 1985-1987
DZ Chase, AF Chase
Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, 1987
Mesoamerican elites: assumptions, definitions, and models
AF Chase, DZ Chase
University of Oklahoma Press, 1992
Ancient Maya regional settlement and inter-site analysis: The 2013 west-central Belize LiDAR survey
AF Chase, DZ Chase, JJ Awe, JF Weishampel, G Iannone, H Moyes, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (9), 8671-8695, 2014
The architectural context of caches, burials, and other ritual activities for the Classic period Maya (as reflected at Caracol, Belize)
DZ Chase, AF Chase, SD Houston
Function and meaning in Classic Maya architecture, 299-332, 1998
Maya multiples: Individuals, entries, and tombs in structure A34 of Caracol, Belize
DZ Chase, AF Chase
Latin American Antiquity 7 (1), 61-79, 1996
The Classic Maya City: Reconsidering the" Mesoamerican Urban Tradition"
DZ Chase, AF Chase, WA Haviland
American Anthropologist 92 (2), 499-506, 1990
Questions of political and economic integration: Segmentary versus centralized states among the ancient Maya
JW Fox, GW Cook, AF Chase, DZ Chase
Current Anthropology 37 (5), 795-801, 1996
LiDAR for archaeological research and the study of historical landscapes
ASZ Chase, DZ Chase, AF Chase
Sensing the Past: From artifact to historical site, 89-100, 2017
Caracol, Belize, and changing perceptions of ancient Maya society
DZ Chase, AF Chase
Journal of Archaeological Research 25, 185-249, 2017
A postclassic perspective: Excavations at the Maya site of Santa Rita Corozal, Belize
DZ Chase, AF Chase
Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, 1988
External impetus, internal synthesis, and standardization: E Group assemblages and the crystallization of Classic Maya society in the southern lowlands
AF Chase, DZ Chase
A. Saurwein 8, 87, 1995
The use of LiDAR in understanding the ancient Maya landscape: Caracol and western Belize
AF Chase, DZ Chase, JJ Awe, JF Weishampel, G Iannone, H Moyes, ...
Advances in Archaeological Practice 2 (3), 208-221, 2014
Ancient Maya markets and the economic integration of Caracol, Belize
DZ Chase, AF Chase
Ancient Mesoamerica 25 (1), 239-250, 2014
Yucatec influence in terminal classic Northern Belize
DZ Chase, AF Chase
American Antiquity 47 (3), 596-614, 1982
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