Sebastian Klemenz
Sebastian Klemenz
Fraunhofer IWKS
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Evidence for a monolayer excitonic insulator
Y Jia, P Wang, CL Chiu, Z Song, G Yu, B Jäck, S Lei, S Klemenz, ...
Nature Physics 18 (1), 87-93, 2022
Topological semimetals in square-net materials
S Klemenz, S Lei, LM Schoop
Annual Review of Materials Research 49, 185-206, 2019
High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal
S Lei, J Lin, Y Jia, M Gray, A Topp, G Farahi, S Klemenz, T Gao, ...
Science Advances 6 (6), eaay6407, 2020
One-dimensional Luttinger liquids in a two-dimensional moiré lattice
P Wang, G Yu, YH Kwan, Y Jia, S Lei, S Klemenz, FA Cevallos, R Singha, ...
Nature 605 (7908), 57-62, 2022
Landau quantization and highly mobile fermions in an insulator
P Wang, G Yu, Y Jia, M Onyszczak, FA Cevallos, S Lei, S Klemenz, ...
Nature 589 (7841), 225-229, 2021
Effect of metal species on the stability of Me-NC catalysts during accelerated stress tests mimicking the start-up and shut-down conditions
I Martinaiou, A Shahraei, F Grimm, H Zhang, C Wittich, S Klemenz, ...
Electrochimica Acta 243, 183-196, 2017
The role of delocalized chemical bonding in square-net-based topological semimetals
S Klemenz, AK Hay, SML Teicher, A Topp, J Cano, LM Schoop
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (13), 6350-6359, 2020
Synthesis of a Highly Efficient Oxygen‐Evolution Electrocatalyst by Incorporation of Iron into Nanoscale Cobalt Borides
S Klemenz, J Schuch, S Hawel, AM Zieschang, B Kaiser, W Jaegermann, ...
ChemSusChem 11 (18), 3150-3156, 2018
Systematic study of stacked square nets: From Dirac fermions to material realizations
S Klemenz, L Schoop, J Cano
Physical Review B 101 (16), 165121, 2020
Soft Chemical Synthesis of HxCrS2: An Antiferromagnetic Material with Alternating Amorphous and Crystalline Layers
X Song, G Cheng, D Weber, F Pielnhofer, S Lei, S Klemenz, YW Yeh, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (39), 15634-15640, 2019
Elucidating the Origin of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity in Mono-and Bimetallic Metal-and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Catalysts (Me–N–C)
A Shahraei, A Moradabadi, I Martinaiou, S Lauterbach, S Klemenz, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (30), 25184-25193, 2017
Change in Magnetic Properties upon Chemical Exfoliation of FeOCl
AM Ferrenti, S Klemenz, S Lei, X Song, P Ganter, BV Lotsch, LM Schoop
Inorganic Chemistry 59 (2), 1176-1182, 2019
Effects of Sc and Y substitution on the structure and thermoelectric properties of Yb14MnSb11
JH Grebenkemper, S Klemenz, B Albert, SK Bux, SM Kauzlarich
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 242, 55-61, 2016
Weyl fermions, Fermi arcs, and minority-spin carriers in ferromagnetic CoS2
NBM Schröter, I Robredo, S Klemenz, RJ Kirby, JA Krieger, D Pei, T Yu, ...
Science Advances 6 (51), eabd5000, 2020
Transient Drude Response Dominates Near-Infrared Pump–Probe Reflectivity in Nodal-Line Semimetals ZrSiS and ZrSiSe
RJ Kirby, A Ferrenti, C Weinberg, S Klemenz, M Oudah, S Lei, CP Weber, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (15), 6105-6111, 2020
Holistic View on Materials Development: Water Electrolysis as a Case Study
S Klemenz, A Stegmüller, S Yoon, C Felser, H Tüysüz, A Weidenkaff
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (37), 20094-20100, 2021
Signature of an ultrafast photoinduced Lifshitz transition in the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe
RJ Kirby, L Muechler, S Klemenz, C Weinberg, A Ferrenti, M Oudah, ...
Physical Review B 103 (20), 205138, 2021
Low-temperature synthesis of nanoscale ferromagnetic α′-MnB
S Klemenz, M Fries, M Dürrschnabel, K Skokov, HJ Kleebe, O Gutfleisch, ...
Dalton Transactions 49 (1), 131-135, 2020
Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalyst by Incorporation of Nickel into Nanoscale Dicobalt Boride
J Schuch, S Klemenz, P Schuldt, AM Zieschang, S Dolique, P Connor, ...
ChemCatChem 13 (7), 1772-1780, 2021
Single-Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Chalcopyrite Semiconductor CuInTe2 for Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production
JJ Frick, A Topp, S Klemenz, M Krivenkov, A Varykhalov, CR Ast, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (23), 6833-6840, 2018
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