Orlando Richard
Racial diversity, business strategy, and firm performance: A resource-based view
OC Richard
Academy of management journal 43 (2), 164-177, 2000
Cultural diversity in management, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions
OC Richard, T Barnett, S Dwyer, K Chadwick
Academy of management journal 47 (2), 255-266, 2004
Gender diversity in management and firm performance: The influence of growth orientation and organizational culture
S Dwyer, OC Richard, K Chadwick
Journal of Business Research 56 (12), 1009-1019, 2003
Strategic human resource management effectiveness and firm performance
OC Richard, NB Johnson
International journal of human resource management 12 (2), 299-310, 2001
The impact of racial diversity on intermediate and long‐term performance: The moderating role of environmental context
OC Richard, BPS Murthi, K Ismail
Strategic Management Journal 28 (12), 1213-1233, 2007
Employing an innovation strategy in racially diverse workforces: Effects on firm performance
O Richard, A McMillan, K Chadwick, S Dwyer
Group & Organization Management 28 (1), 107-126, 2003
Linking top management team age heterogeneity to firm performance: Juxtaposing two mid-range theories
OC Richard, RM Shelor
International Journal of Human Resource Management 13 (6), 958-974, 2002
Understanding the impact of human resource diversity practices on firm performance
OC Richard, NB Johnson
Journal of Managerial Issues, 177-195, 2001
Racial diversity and firm performance: The mediating role of competitive intensity
G Andrevski, OC Richard, JD Shaw, WJ Ferrier
Journal of Management 40 (3), 820-844, 2014
Antecedents and consequences of psychological contracts: Does organizational culture really matter?
OC Richard, A McMillan-Capehart, SN Bhuian, EC Taylor
Journal of Business Research 62 (8), 818-825, 2009
Work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and counterproductive work behavior
H Chen, OC Richard, OD Boncoeur, DL Ford Jr
Journal of Business Research 114, 30-41, 2020
The impact of racial and gender diversity in management on financial performance: How participative strategy making features can unleash a diversity advantage
OC Richard, SL Kirby, K Chadwick
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (13), 2571-2582, 2013
An exploratory study of gender and age matching in the salesperson-prospective customer dyad: Testing similarity-performance predictions
S Dwyer, R Orlando, CD Shepherd
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 18 (4), 55-69, 1998
Top management team demographic‐faultline strength and strategic change: what role does environmental dynamism play?
OC Richard, J Wu, LA Markoczy, Y Chung
Strategic management journal 40 (6), 987-1009, 2019
Sixty years of discrimination and diversity research in human resource management: A review with suggestions for future research directions
MC Triana, P Gu, O Chapa, O Richard, A Colella
Human Resource Management 60 (1), 145-204, 2021
The link between diversity and equality management practice bundles and racial diversity in the managerial ranks: Does firm size matter?
OC Richard, H Roh, JR Pieper
Human Resource Management 52 (2), 215-242, 2013
The impact of visible diversity on organizational effectiveness: Disclosing the contents in Pandora's black box
OC Richard, TA Kochan, A McMillan-Capehart
Journal of Business and Management 8 (3), 265-291, 2002
The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance: the role of CEO position tenure and industry tenure
OC Richard, P Wu, K Chadwick
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (5), 1078-1095, 2009
Does CEO transformational leadership influence top executive normative commitment?
I Yucel, A McMillan, OC Richard
Journal of business research 67 (6), 1170-1177, 2014
Gender diversity in senior management, strategic change, and firm performance: Examining the mediating nature of strategic change in high tech firms
M del Carmen Triana, OC Richard, W Su
Research Policy 48 (7), 1681-1693, 2019
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