Adi Aizat Bin Yajid
Adi Aizat Bin Yajid
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Economic and Commercial Value Comparison Between Syariah Compliant and Muslim Friendly Approach in Hotel Industry
SA Kadir, A Musa, AA Yajid, MN Zakaria, NM Din
International Conference on Business and Technology, 821-836, 2021
Level of compliance of traditional fishing vessels to fisheries department regulations in Pangkor Island
AM Arof, NNM Yusri, NSM Zakaria, AA Yajid
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 9 …, 2019
The challenge of ratification and application of specific regional based declaration for railway industry in ASEAN mainland: The national culture perspective
AA bin Yajid, AK Rahmat
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 172, 801-807, 2015
Manufacturers satisfaction on third party logistics providers’ service quality
AK Rahmat, N Faisol, AA Yajid, MIM Badrillah
International Journal of Control and Automation, 2019
Rebuilding Malaysian Tourism Industry Post-Covid-19 Pandemic and the Revival Strategies
A Musa, ZAA Ghadas, SA Kadir, AA Yajid, ENM Zain, ASM Shuaib
Board Diversity and Corporate Governance, 57-67, 2024
The Sustainability of Batik Industry in Malaysia in Relation to 4th Industrial Revolution
FNAB Ismail, AAB Yajid
Nasrul Aiman Bin Abd Aziz Web designer 244, 2021
An Emergent of Islamic Tourism and Hotel: A Readiness, Opportunity and Obstacle To Be Solved; An analysis of Hoteliers’ Perspective
A Musa, ZA Abd Gadhas, SA Kadir, NM Din, MN Zakaria, AA Yajid
Proceeding of 8th International Seminar of Entrepreneurship and Business …, 2020
Construction of railway economy in Asean: issues and challenges
AA Yajid, SAOS Satri, AK Rahmat
Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research 1, 565-582, 2018
Young entrepreneur preference on selection courier service provider
N Nadhifah, M Adnan, M Zulhakim, N Waheeda, AA Yajid
Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 2023
The factors contributing to e-hailing application selection by Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia
HW Qiang, SM Zaini, NN Azman, AA Yajid
Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, 2023
Nahas Pertama LRT Sepanjang 23 Tahun Mesti Segera DIrungkai
AA Yajid, AAA Apandi
Berita Harian, 2021
Developing Holistic Performance Measurement Index for Islamic Banks
SF Muhamad, NSA Samad, AA Yajid, FAM Zain, MR Yasoa, MNM Nasir
Bibliometric: Jurimetrics to Determine References on Legal Cases In Malaysia
AA Yajid, AK Rahmat, AR Abdullah, A Samad, N Syafiqah, N Bahari, ...
Integrating Environmental Element In Maximizing Business Profit: An Application Of Hedonic Pricing Method
NSA Samad, N Bahari, SF Muhamad, AA Yajid, MFBA Yaziz
Prototype of Biodegradable Packaging Material from Musm Integrating Environmental Element In Maximizing Business Profit: An Application of Hedonic Pricing Method
NSA Samad, SF Muhamad, N Bahari, AA Yajid, MFA Yaziz
High Speed Rail Projects in South East Asia Mainland: Shifting Orientation Between Social and Business
AA Yajid
MITRANS Quarterly, 2020
Developing a uni-modal liability framework for seamless cross border carriage of goods by rail: a case of Southeast Asia mainland
AA Yajid
Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2016
The necessity of diversion of juvenile offenders from the criminal justice system in Malaysia
AWD Yunus, AA Yajid
Determination of Islam in the view of Malaysia federal constitution
AI Abang Bolhil, AA Yajid, AA Ahmad Apandi, AH Kamarudin
A study on the right to give consent to treatment by a mental health patient in Malaysia: comparative analysis between the mental disorder ordinance 1952 and the mental health …
AA Yajid, MK Shamshudin, MAT Megat Mohd Ghazali
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