Rebecca Wassall
Rebecca Wassall
Clinical Lecturer in Special Care Dentistry
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Clinical and technical considerations in the analysis of gingival crevicular fluid
RR Wassall, PM Preshaw
Periodontology 2000 70 (1), 65-79, 2016
Impact of periodontal status on oral health-related quality of life in patients with and without type 2 diabetes
FC Irani, RR Wassall, PM Preshaw
Journal of dentistry 43 (5), 506-511, 2015
Treatment of periodontitis reduces systemic inflammation in type 2 diabetes
PM Preshaw, JJ Taylor, KM Jaedicke, M De Jager, JW Bikker, W Selten, ...
Journal of clinical periodontology 47 (6), 737-746, 2020
Enhancing shared and surrogate decision making for people living with dementia: a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions
A Geddis‐Regan, L Errington, C Abley, R Wassall, C Exley, R Thomson
Health Expectations 24 (1), 19-32, 2021
Standardized screening for periodontitis as an integral part of multidisciplinary management of adults with type 2 diabetes: an observational cross-sectional study of cohorts …
AS Pumerantz, SM Bissett, F Dong, C Ochoa, RR Wassall, H Davila, ...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 5 (1), 2017
Putting guidelines into practice: Using co‐design to develop a complex intervention based on NG48 to enable care staff to provide daily oral care to older people living in care …
J Langley, R Wassall, A Geddis‐Regan, S Watson, A Verey, G McKenna, ...
Gerodontology 40 (1), 112-126, 2023
Improving the oral health of older people in care homes (TOPIC): a protocol for a feasibility study
G Tsakos, PR Brocklehurst, S Watson, A Verey, N Goulden, A Jenkins, ...
Pilot and Feasibility Studies 7 (1), 138, 2021
Orofacial pain assessment and management for patients with dementia: A meta‐ethnography
AR Geddis‐Regan, M Stewart, RR Wassall
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 46 (2), 189-199, 2019
Care pathways and provision in bariatric dental care: an exploration of patients' and dentists' experiences in the North East of England
A Geddis-Regan, A Asuni, G Walton, R Wassall
British Dental Journal 227 (1), 38-42, 2019
Impact of diabetes and periodontal status on life quality
R Desai, B Khobaragade, G McCracken, R Wassall, JJ Taylor, SM Bissett, ...
BDJ open 7 (1), 9, 2021
Development of a core outcome set for oral health services research involving dependent older adults (DECADE): a study protocol
S Watson, J McMullan, P Brocklehurst, G Tsakos, RG Watt, RR Wassall, ...
Trials 21, 1-8, 2020
The need for further oral health research surrounding the provision of dental treatment for people with drug dependency
C Bowes, G Page, R Wassall, C Lloyd
British dental journal 227 (1), 58-60, 2019
Promoting co-production in the generation and use of research evidence to improve service provision in special care dentistry
PR Brocklehurst, J Langley, SR Baker, G McKenna, C Smith, R Wassall
British dental journal 227 (1), 15-18, 2019
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Periodontal Disease.
RR Wassall, PM Preshaw
Periodontal Practice Today 3 (4), 2006
Strategies to prevent oral disease in dependent older people
P Brocklehurst, L Williams, Z Hoare, T Goodwin, G McKenna, G Tsakos, ...
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2019 (5), CD012402, 2019
Measurement properties, interpretability and feasibility of instruments measuring oral health and orofacial pain in dependent adults: a systematic review
FA BaHammam, GI McCracken, R Wassall, J Durham, B Abdulmohsen
BMC Oral Health 22 (1), 208, 2022
Exploring dental treatment decision‐making experiences of people living with dementia and family carers
A Geddis‐Regan, RR Wassall, C Abley, C Exley
Gerodontology 41 (1), 83-93, 2024
Establishing an empirical conceptual model of oral health in dependent adults: systematic review
FA BaHammam, J Akhil, M Stewart, B Abdulmohsen, J Durham, ...
Special Care in Dentistry 44 (1), 57-74, 2024
Designing across Organisational boundaries-Community Dentistry Services
M Lievesley, R Wassall
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Design4Health 2015, 2015
Oral health decline in patients after stroke: a qualitative study
F BaHammam, J Durham, B Abdulmohsen, R Wassall, GI McCracken
British Dental Journal 235 (11), 881-885, 2023
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