Estimating aboveground biomass using Landsat 7 ETM+ data across a managed landscape in northern Wisconsin, USA D Zheng, J Rademacher, J Chen, T Crow, M Bresee, J Le Moine, SR Ryu Remote sensing of environment 93 (3), 402-411, 2004 | 671 | 2004 |
Disturbance and the resilience of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in a north temperate forest LE Nave, CM Gough, KD Maurer, G Bohrer, BS Hardiman, J Le Moine, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G4), 2011 | 165 | 2011 |
Short-term effects of experimental burning and thinning on soil respiration in an old-growth, mixed-conifer forest S Ma, J Chen, M North, HE Erickson, M Bresee, J Le Moine Environmental Management 33, S148-S159, 2004 | 87 | 2004 |
Disturbance and landscape dynamics in the Chequamegon National Forest Wisconsin, USA, from 1972 to 2001 MK Bresee, J Le Moine, S Mather, KD Brosofske, J Chen, TR Crow, ... Landscape Ecology 19, 291-309, 2004 | 87 | 2004 |
A working framework for quantifying carbon sequestration in disturbed land mosaics J Chen, KD Brosofske, A Noormets, TR Crow, MK Bresee, JM Le Moine, ... Environmental Management 33, S210-S221, 2004 | 56 | 2004 |
Historical patterns of exotic earthworm distributions inform contemporary associations with soil physical and chemical factors across a northern temperate forest JM Crumsey, JM Le Moine, CS Vogel, KJ Nadelhoffer Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 503-514, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Community‐specific impacts of exotic earthworm invasions on soil carbon dynamics in a sandy temperate forest JM Crumsey, JM Le Moine, Y Capowiez, MM Goodsitt, SC Larson, ... Ecology 94 (12), 2827-2837, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Decadal post-fire succession of soil invertebrate communities is dependent on the soil surface properties in a northern temperate forest A Auclerc, JM Le Moine, PJ Hatton, JA Bird, KJ Nadelhoffer Science of the Total Environment 647, 1058-1068, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Exotic earthworm community composition interacts with soil texture to affect redistribution and retention of litter-derived C and N in northern temperate forest soils JM Crumsey, Y Capowiez, MM Goodsitt, S Larson, JM Le Moine, JA Bird, ... Biogeochemistry 126, 379-395, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Physiographic factors underlie rates of biomass production during succession in Great Lakes forest landscapes LE Nave, CM Gough, CH Perry, KL Hofmeister, JM Le Moine, GM Domke, ... Forest ecology and management 397, 157-173, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Nitrogen uptake by trees and mycorrhizal fungi in a successional northern temperate forest: insights from multiple isotopic methods LE Nave, KJ Nadelhoffer, JM Le Moine, LTA van Diepen, JK Cooch, ... Ecosystems 16, 590-603, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Changes in soil nitrogen cycling in a northern temperate forest ecosystem during succession LE Nave, JP Sparks, J Le Moine, BS Hardiman, KJ Nadelhoffer, ... Biogeochemistry 121, 471-488, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Root control of fungal communities and soil carbon stocks in a temperate forest ED Whalen, N Lounsbury, K Geyer, M Anthony, E Morrison, ... Soil Biology and Biochemistry 161, 108390, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Flux Puppy–An open-source software application and portable system design for low-cost manual measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes MS Carbone, B Seyednasrollah, TT Rademacher, D Basler, JM Le Moine, ... Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274, 1-6, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
Using direct phloem transport manipulation to advance understanding of carbon dynamics in forest trees TT Rademacher, D Basler, AH Eckes-Shephard, P Fonti, AD Friend, ... Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2, 11, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Tree taxa and pyrolysis temperature interact to control pyrogenic organic matter induced native soil organic carbon priming C Gibson, PJ Hatton, JA Bird, K Nadelhoffer, J Le Moine, T Filley Soil Biology and Biochemistry 119, 174-183, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Historical patterns of exotic earthworm distribution inform contemporary associations with soil physical and chemical factors across a northern temperate forest JM Crusmey, JL Le Moine, CS Vogel, KJ Nadelhoffer Soil Biol. Biochem 68, 503-514, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Multidecadal trajectories of soil chemistry and nutrient availability following cutting vs. burning disturbances in Upper Great Lakes forests LE Nave, JM Le Moine, CM Gough, KJ Nadelhoffer Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49 (7), 731-742, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Effects of climate and land use on landscape soil respiration in northern Wisconsin, USA: 1972 to 2001 D Zheng, J Chen, A Noormets, ES Euskirchen, J Le Moine Climate Research 28 (2), 163-173, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
Impacts of experimentally accelerated forest succession on belowground plant and fungal communities BT Castillo, LE Nave, JM Le Moine, TY James, KJ Nadelhoffer Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 44-53, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |