Edward C Inglis
Edward C Inglis
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction
B Debret, MA Millet, ML Pons, P Bouilhol, E Inglis, H Williams
Geology 44 (3), 215-218, 2016
The Fe and Zn isotope composition of deep mantle source regions: Insights from Baffin Island picrites
AJ McCoy-West, JG Fitton, ML Pons, EC Inglis, HM Williams
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 238, 542-562, 2018
The behaviour of iron and zinc stable isotopes accompanying the subduction of mafic oceanic crust: A case study from Western Alpine Ophiolites
EC Inglis, B Debret, K Burton, MA Millet, ML Pons, C Dale, P Bouilhol, ...
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2017
High-precision zirconium stable isotope measurements of geological reference materials as measured by double-spike MC-ICPMS
EC Inglis, JB Creech, Z Deng, F Moynier
Chemical Geology 493, 544-552, 2018
Determination of Zr isotopic ratios in zircons using laser-ablation multiple-collector inductively coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry
W Zhang, Z Wang, F Moynier, E Inglis, S Tian, M Li, Y Liu, Z Hu
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (9), 1800-1809, 2019
Isotopic fractionation of zirconium during magmatic differentiation and the stable isotope composition of the silicate Earth
EC Inglis, F Moynier, J Creech, Z Deng, JMD Day, FZ Teng, M Bizzarro, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 250, 311-323, 2019
Release of oxidizing fluids in subduction zones recorded by iron isotope zonation in garnet
AR Gerrits, EC Inglis, B Dragovic, PG Starr, EF Baxter, KW Burton
Nature Geoscience 12 (12), 1029-1033, 2019
The zirconium stable isotope compositions of 22 geological reference materials, 4 zircons and 3 standard solutions
S Tian, EC Inglis, JB Creech, W Zhang, Z Wang, Z Hu, Y Liu, F Moynier
Chemical Geology 555, 119791, 2020
Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse
M Cassidy, SFL Watt, PJ Talling, MR Palmer, M Edmonds, M Jutzeler, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (12), 4778-4785, 2015
Zirconium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust through time
S Tian, F Moynier, EC Inglis, RL Rudnick, F Huang, C Chauvel, JB Creech, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 572, 117086, 2021
Decoupling of inorganic and organic carbon during slab mantle devolatilisation
P Bouilhol, B Debret, EC Inglis, M Warembourg, T Grocolas, T Rigaudier, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 308, 2022
Iron and zinc stable isotope evidence for open-system high-pressure dehydration of antigorite serpentinite in subduction zones
B Debret, CJ Garrido, ML Pons, P Bouilhol, E Inglis, VL Sánchez-Vizcaíno, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 296, 210-225, 2021
Zirconium isotopic composition of the mantle through time
SY Tian, F Moynier, EC Inglis, J Creech, M Bizzarro, J Siebert, JMD Day, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 15, 40-43, 2020
Determination of the zirconium isotopic composition of the new isotopic standard NRC ZIRC-1 using MC-ICP-MS
S Tian, F Moynier, EC Inglis, NK Jensen, Z Deng, M Schiller, M Bizzarro
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 37 (3), 656-662, 2022
High-precision Sr and Nd isotope measurements using a dynamic zoom lens-equipped thermal ionisation mass spectrometer
TH Luu, P Gutiérrez, EC Inglis, D Roberts, C Chauvel
Chemical Geology 611, 121078, 2022
Zinc and copper isotopes as tracers of redox processes
EC Inglis, F Moynier
Magma Redox Geochemistry, 331-344, 2021
The indium isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth
D Liu, F Moynier, PA Sossi, R Pik, SA Halldórsson, E Inglis, JMD Day, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 352, 24-35, 2023
Biomolecular evidence reveals mares and long-distance imported horses sacrificed by the last pagans in temperate Europe
KM French, AD Musiał, M Karczewski, L Daugnora, R Shiroukhov, ...
Science Advances 10 (20), eado3529, 2024
Fani Maoré, a new “young HIMU” volcano with extreme geochemistry
C Chauvel, EC Inglis, P Gutierrez, TH Luu, P Burckel, P Besson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 626, 118529, 2024
A crustal control on the Fe isotope systematics of volcanic arcs revealed in plutonic xenoliths from the Lesser Antilles
GF Cooper, EC Inglis
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 795858, 2022
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