Ruihao Yuan
Active learning in materials science with emphasis on adaptive sampling using uncertainties for targeted design
T Lookman, PV Balachandran, D Xue, R Yuan
npj Computational Materials 5 (1), 21, 2019
Accelerated Discovery of Large Electrostrains in BaTiO3‐Based Piezoelectrics Using Active Learning
R Yuan, Z Liu, PV Balachandran, D Xue, Y Zhou, X Ding, J Sun, D Xue, ...
Advanced materials 30 (7), 1702884, 2018
An informatics approach to transformation temperatures of NiTi-based shape memory alloys
D Xue, D Xue, R Yuan, Y Zhou, PV Balachandran, X Ding, J Sun, ...
Acta Materialia 125, 532-541, 2017
Integrating data mining and machine learning to discover high-strength ductile titanium alloys
C Zou, J Li, WY Wang, Y Zhang, D Lin, R Yuan, X Wang, B Tang, J Wang, ...
Acta Materialia 202, 211-221, 2021
Accelerated search for BaTiO3-based piezoelectrics with vertical morphotropic phase boundary using Bayesian learning
D Xue, PV Balachandran, R Yuan, T Hu, X Qian, ER Dougherty, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (47), 13301-13306, 2016
Accelerated Search for BaTiO3‐Based Ceramics with Large Energy Storage at Low Fields Using Machine Learning and Experimental Design
R Yuan, Y Tian, D Xue, D Xue, Y Zhou, X Ding, J Sun, T Lookman
Advanced science 6 (21), 1901395, 2019
Temperature dependence of deformation behavior, microstructure evolution and fracture mechanism of Inconel 625 superalloy
X Liu, J Fan, P Zhang, J Xie, F Chen, D Liu, R Yuan, B Tang, H Kou, J Li
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 869, 159342, 2021
Determining multi‐component phase diagrams with desired characteristics using active learning
Y Tian, R Yuan, D Xue, Y Zhou, Y Wang, X Ding, J Sun, T Lookman
Advanced Science 8 (1), 2003165, 2021
Role of uncertainty estimation in accelerating materials development via active learning
Y Tian, R Yuan, D Xue, Y Zhou, X Ding, J Sun, T Lookman
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (1), 2020
Design of high temperature Ti-Pd-Cr shape memory alloys with small thermal hysteresis
D Xue, R Yuan, Y Zhou, D Xue, T Lookman, G Zhang, X Ding, J Sun
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28244, 2016
Serrated flow behavior and microstructure evolution of Inconel 625 superalloy during plane-strain compression with different strain rates
X Liu, J Fan, K Li, Y Song, D Liu, R Yuan, J Wang, B Tang, H Kou, J Li
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 881, 160648, 2021
Active learning in materials science with emphasis on adaptive sampling using uncertainties for targeted design. npj Computational Materials 5
T Lookman, PV Balachandran, D Xue, R Yuan
doi 10, 21, 2019
The Search for BaTiO3-Based Piezoelectrics With Large Piezoelectric Coefficient Using Machine Learning
R Yuan, D Xue, D Xue, Y Zhou, X Ding, J Sun, T Lookman
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 66 …, 2018
Towards high entropy alloy with enhanced strength and ductility using domain knowledge constrained active learning
H Li, R Yuan, H Liang, WY Wang, J Li, J Wang
Materials & Design 223, 111186, 2022
Origin of large electrostrain in Sn4+ doped Ba (Zr0. 2Ti0. 8) O3-x (Ba0. 7Ca0. 3) TiO3 ceramics
Z Liu, R Yuan, D Xue, W Cao, T Lookman
Acta Materialia 157, 155-164, 2018
Machine learning combined with feature engineering to search for BaTiO3 based ceramics with large piezoelectric constant
R Yuan, D Xue, Y Xu, D Xue, J Li
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 908, 164468, 2022
High-temperature tensile and creep behaviour of Inconel 625 superalloy sheet and its associated deformation-failure micromechanisms
X Liu, J Fan, Y Song, P Zhang, F Chen, R Yuan, J Wang, B Tang, H Kou, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 829, 142152, 2022
Efficient estimation of material property curves and surfaces via active learning
Y Tian, D Xue, R Yuan, Y Zhou, X Ding, J Sun, T Lookman
Physical Review Materials 5 (1), 013802, 2021
Nanoscale B2 precipitation and strengthening behavior in Al0. 5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy
H Li, J Wang, H Yang, M Zhao, WY Wang, R Yuan, J Li
Materials Characterization 191, 112156, 2022
Creep anisotropy behavior, deformation mechanism, and its efficient suppression method in Inconel 625 superalloy
X Liu, J Fan, K Cao, F Chen, R Yuan, D Liu, B Tang, H Kou, J Li
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 133, 58-76, 2023
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