Elod Mehes
Elod Mehes
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Collective motion of cells: from experiments to models
E Méhes, T Vicsek
Integrative biology 6 (9), 831-854, 2014
Microglia control the spread of neurotropic virus infection via P2Y12 signalling and recruit monocytes through P2Y12-independent mechanisms
R Fekete, C Cserép, N Lénárt, K Tóth, B Orsolits, B Martinecz, E Méhes, ...
Acta neuropathologica 136, 461-482, 2018
Collective motion of cells mediates segregation and pattern formation in co-cultures
E Méhes, E Mones, V Nemeth, T Vicsek
PloS one 7 (2), e31711, 2012
Collective cell streams in epithelial monolayers depend on cell adhesion
A Czirók, K Varga, E Méhes, A Szabó
New journal of physics 15 (7), 075006, 2013
Multicellular sprouting in vitro
A Szabo, E Mehes, E Kosa, A Czirok
Biophysical journal 95 (6), 2702-2710, 2008
Software tools for cell culture-related 3D printed structures
M Gulyas, M Csiszer, E Mehes, A Czirok
PLoS One 13 (9), e0203203, 2018
Cellular internalization and inhibition capacity of new anti-glioma peptide conjugates: physicochemical characterization and evaluation on various monolayer-and 3D-spheroid …
Z Baranyai, B Biri-Kovács, M Kratky, B Szeder, ML Debreczeni, J Budai, ...
Journal of medicinal chemistry 64 (6), 2982-3005, 2021
Segregation mechanisms of tissue cells: from experimental data to models
E Méhes, T Vicsek
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 1, 1-13, 2013
Dystroglycan is involved in laminin‐1‐stimulated motility of Müller glial cells: Combined velocity and directionality analysis
E Méhes, A Czirók, B Hegedüs, B Szabó, T Vicsek, J Satz, K Campbell, ...
Glia 49 (4), 492-500, 2005
Laminin‐1 increases motility, path‐searching, and process dynamism of rat and mouse Muller glial cells in vitro: Implication of relationship between cell behavior and formation …
E Méhes, A Czirók, B Hegedüs, T Vicsek, V Jancsik
Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 53 (3), 203-213, 2002
Development and evaluation of a human skin equivalent in a semiautomatic microfluidic diffusion chamber
J Tárnoki-Zách, E Mehes, Z Varga-Medveczky, DG Isai, N Barany, ...
Pharmaceutics 13 (6), 910, 2021
Inhibition of myosin II triggers morphological transition and increased nuclear motility
B Szabó, R Ünnep, K Markó, Z Környei, E Méhes, A Czirók
Cytoskeleton 68 (6), 325-339, 2011
Host cell targeting of novel antimycobacterial 4-aminosalicylic acid derivatives with tuftsin carrier peptides
LB Horváth, M Krátký, V Pflégr, E Méhes, G Gyulai, G Kohut, Á Babiczky, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 174, 111-130, 2022
Cell dispersal influences tumor heterogeneity and introduces a bias in NGS data interpretation
L Pongor, H Harami-Papp, E Méhes, A Czirók, B Győrffy
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7358, 2017
Enhanced endothelial motility and multicellular sprouting is mediated by the scaffold protein TKS4
E Mehes, M Barath, M Gulyas, E Bugyik, M Geiszt, A Szoor, A Lanyi, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14363, 2019
Soluble VEGFR1 signaling guides vascular patterns into dense branching morphologies
D Lakatos, E Somfai, E Méhes, A Czirók
Journal of theoretical biology 456, 261-278, 2018
Matrigel patterning reflects multicellular contractility
E Méhes, B Biri-Kovács, DG Isai, M Gulyás, L Nyitray, A Czirók
PLoS Computational Biology 15 (10), e1007431, 2019
3D cell segregation geometry and dynamics are governed by tissue surface tension regulation
E Méhes, E Mones, M Varga, Á Zsigmond, B Biri-Kovács, L Nyitray, ...
Communications biology 6 (1), 817, 2023
Multicellular contractility contributes to the emergence of mesothelioma nodules
J Tarnoki-Zach, P Stockhammer, DG Isai, E Mehes, B Szeder, I Kovacs, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 20114, 2020
Malignant pleural mesothelioma nodules remodel their surroundings to vascularize and grow
I Kovacs, E Bugyik, K Dezso, J Tarnoki-Zach, E Mehes, M Gulyas, ...
Translational lung cancer research 11 (6), 991, 2022
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