Shailendra Singh
Shailendra Singh
Executive Director At Merck
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Arsenic metabolism by microbes in nature and the impact on arsenic remediation
SL Tsai, S Singh, W Chen
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 20 (6), 659-667, 2009
Functional Assembly of Minicellulosomes on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Surface for Cellulose Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production
SL Tsai, J Oh, S Singh, R Chen, W Chen
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (19), 6087-6093, 2009
Bioremediation: environmental clean-up through pathway engineering
S Singh, SH Kang, A Mulchandani, W Chen
Current opinion in biotechnology 19 (5), 437-444, 2008
Bacteria metabolically engineered for enhanced phytochelatin production and cadmium accumulation
SH Kang, S Singh, JY Kim, W Lee, A Mulchandani, W Chen
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (19), 6317-6320, 2007
Intracellular response to process optimization and impact on productivity and product aggregates for a high‐titer CHO cell process
MW Handlogten, A Lee‐O'Brien, G Roy, SV Levitskaya, R Venkat, S Singh, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 115 (1), 126-138, 2018
Highly Selective and Rapid Arsenic Removal by Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli Cells Expressing Fucus vesiculosus Metallothionein
S Singh, A Mulchandani, W Chen
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (9), 2924-2927, 2008
Enhanced arsenic accumulation by engineered yeast cells expressing Arabidopsis thaliana phytochelatin synthase
S Singh, W Lee, NA DaSilva, A Mulchandani, W Chen
Biotechnology and bioengineering 99 (2), 333-340, 2008
Systematic engineering of phytochelatin synthesis and arsenic transport for enhanced arsenic accumulation in E. coli
S Singh, SH Kang, W Lee, A Mulchandani, W Chen
Biotechnology and bioengineering 105 (4), 780-785, 2010
Biologically programmed synthesis of core-shell CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals
S Singh, K Bozhilov, A Mulchandani, N Myung, W Chen
Chemical Communications 46 (9), 1473-1475, 2010
Co‐expression of Arabidopsis thaliana phytochelatin synthase and Treponema denticola cysteine desulfhydrase for enhanced arsenic accumulation
SL Tsai, S Singh, NA DaSilva, W Chen
Biotechnology and bioengineering 109 (2), 605-608, 2012
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