Kianoosh Hatami, PhD, PEng
Kianoosh Hatami, PhD, PEng
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Development and verification of a numerical model for the analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced soil segmental walls under working stress conditions
K Hatami, RJ Bathurst
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 42 (4), 1066-1085, 2005
Seismic response analysis of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall
RJ Bathurst, K Hatami
Geosynthetics International 5 (1-2), 127-166, 1998
Numerical model for reinforced soil segmental walls under surcharge loading
K Hatami, RJ Bathurst
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering 132 (6), 673-684, 2006
Numerical study of reinforced soil segmental walls using three different constitutive soil models
B Huang, RJ Bathurst, K Hatami
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering 135 (10), 1486-1498, 2009
Effect of structural design on fundamental frequency of reinforced-soil retaining walls
K Hatami, RJ Bathurst
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 19 (3), 137-157, 2000
Influence of toe restraint on reinforced soil segmental walls
B Huang, RJ Bathurst, K Hatami, TM Allen
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 47 (8), 885-904, 2010
Unsaturated soil–geotextile interface behavior
CN Khoury, GA Miller, K Hatami
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (1), 17-28, 2011
Static response of reinforced soil retaining walls with nonuniform reinforcement
K Hatami, RJ Bathurst, P Di Pietro
International Journal of Geomechanics 1 (4), 477-506, 2001
Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls and slopes—seismic aspects
RJ Bathurst, K Hatami, MC Alfaro
Geosynthetics and their applications, 327-392, 2002
Unsaturated soil–woven geotextile interface strength properties from small-scale pullout and interface tests
K Hatami, D Esmaili
Geosynthetics International 22 (2), 161-172, 2015
Influence of matric suction on geotextile reinforcement-marginal soil interface strength
D Esmaili, K Hatami, GA Miller
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2), 139-153, 2014
Three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3-D DDA) using a new contact resolution algorithm
SAR Beyabanaki, RG Mikola, K Hatami
Computers and Geotechnics 35 (3), 346-356, 2008
Multi-walled carbon nanotube-filled polyvinyl chloride composites: Influence of processing method on dispersion quality, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties
H Yazdani, BE Smith, K Hatami
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 82, 65-77, 2016
Strain-sensitive conductivity of carbon black-filled PVC composites subjected to cyclic loading
H Yazdani, K Hatami, E Khosravi, K Harper, BP Grady
Carbon 79, 393-405, 2014
Study on seismic stability and performance of reinforced soil walls using shaking table tests
P Xu, K Hatami, G Jiang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (1), 82-97, 2020
Sensor-enabled geosynthetics: use of conducting carbon networks as geosynthetic sensors
K Hatami, BP Grady, MC Ulmer
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (7), 863-874, 2009
Effect of carbon black structure on low‐strain conductivity of polypropylene and low‐density polyethylene composites
A Fathi, K Hatami, BP Grady
Polymer Engineering & Science 52 (3), 549-556, 2012
Numerical modeling of reinforced soil retaining walls subjected to base acceleration
MM El-Emam, RJ Bathurst, K Hatami
13th World Conference on earthquake engineering, 1-6, 2004
Full-scale performance testing and numerical modelling of reinforced soil retaining walls
RJ Bathurst, DL Walters, K Hatami, TM Allen
IS Kyushu preprint, 3-28, 2001
Sliding stability and lateral displacement analysis of reinforced soil retaining walls
P Xu, K Hatami
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 47 (4), 483-492, 2019
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