Alex Apeagyei
Laboratory evaluation of antioxidants for asphalt binders
AK Apeagyei
Construction and Building Materials 25 (1), 47-53, 2011
Influence of aggregate mineralogical composition on water resistance of aggregate–bitumen adhesion
J Zhang, AK Apeagyei, GD Airey, JRA Grenfell
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 62, 45-54, 2015
Assessing asphalt mixture moisture susceptibility through intrinsic adhesion, bitumen stripping and mechanical damage
J Grenfell, N Ahmad, Y Liu, A Apeagyei, D Large, G Airey
Road Materials and Pavement Design 15 (1), 131-152, 2014
Moisture-induced strength degradation of aggregate–asphalt mastic bonds
AK Apeagyei, JRA Grenfell, GD Airey
Road Materials and Pavement Design 15 (sup1), 239-262, 2014
Examination of moisture sensitivity of aggregate–bitumen bonding strength using loose asphalt mixture and physico-chemical surface energy property tests
Y Liu, A Apeagyei, N Ahmad, J Grenfell, G Airey
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 15 (7), 657-670, 2014
Rutting as a function of dynamic modulus and gradation
AK Apeagyei
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 23 (9), 1302-1310, 2011
Observation of reversible moisture damage in asphalt mixtures
AK Apeagyei, JRA Grenfell, GD Airey
Construction and Building Materials 60, 73-80, 2014
Evaluation of cold in-place and cold central-plant recycling methods using laboratory testing of field-cored specimens
AK Apeagyei, BK Diefenderfer
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (11), 1712-1720, 2013
Rutting resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures that contain recycled asphalt pavement
AK Apeagyei, BK Diefenderfer, SD Diefenderfer
Transportation Research Record 2208 (1), 9-16, 2011
Evaluation of the lightweight deflectometer for in-situ determination of pavement layer moduli.
MS Hossain, AK Apeagyei
Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC), 2010
Influence of aggregate absorption and diffusion properties on moisture damage in asphalt mixtures
AK Apeagyei, JRA Grenfell, GD Airey
Road Materials and Pavement Design 16 (sup1), 404-422, 2015
Time dependent viscoelastic rheological response of pure, modified and synthetic bituminous binders
GD Airey, JRA Grenfell, A Apeagyei, A Subhy, D Lo Presti
Mechanics of time-dependent materials 20, 455-480, 2016
Moisture damage assessment using surface energy, bitumen stripping and the SATS moisture conditioning procedure
J Grenfell, A Apeagyei, G Airey
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 16 (5), 411-431, 2015
In-place pavement recycling on I-81 in Virginia
BK Diefenderfer, AK Apeagyei, AA Gallo, LE Dougald, CB Weaver
Transportation research record 2306 (1), 21-27, 2012
Analysis of full-depth reclamation trial sections in Virginia
BK Diefenderfer, AK Apeagyei
Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, 2011
Application of Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion models to study moisture diffusion in asphalt mastics
AK Apeagyei, JRA Grenfell, GD Airey
Materials and Structures 48, 1461-1474, 2015
Experimental study on materials composition design and mixture performance of water-retentive asphalt concrete
W Jiang, A Sha, J Xiao, Z Wang, A Apeagyei
Construction and Building Materials 111, 128-138, 2016
Assessment of low-temperature embrittlement of asphalt binders using an acoustic emission approach
AK Apeagyei, WG Buttlar, H Reis
Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 51 (3), 129-136, 2009
Evaluation of moisture sorption and diffusion characteristics of asphalt mastics using manual and automated gravimetric sorption techniques
AK Apeagyei, JRA Grenfell, GD Airey
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (8), 04014045, 2014
Recommendation of RILEM TC237-SIB: protocol for characterization of recycled asphalt (RA) materials for pavement applications
G Tebaldi, EV Dave, A Cannone Falchetto, M Hugener, D Perraton, ...
Materials and Structures 51, 1-8, 2018
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