Straipsniai su viešo pasiekiamumo įpareigojimais - Ren MosesSužinokite daugiau
Niekur nepasiekiama: 9
Exact and heuristic solution algorithms for efficient emergency evacuation in areas with vulnerable populations
MA Dulebenets, J Pasha, OF Abioye, M Kavoosi, EE Ozguven, R Moses, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 39, 101114, 2019
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Development of statistical models for improving efficiency of emergency evacuation in areas with vulnerable population
MA Dulebenets, OF Abioye, EE Ozguven, R Moses, WR Boot, T Sando
Reliability engineering & system safety 182, 233-249, 2019
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
GIS-based spatial and temporal analysis of aging-involved accidents: A case study of three counties in Florida
SS Vemulapalli, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, T Sando, MW Horner, ...
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 10, 537-563, 2017
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Metadata-based needs assessment for emergency transportation operations with a focus on an aging population: A case study in Florida
EE Ozguven, MW Horner, A Kocatepe, JM Marcelin, Y Abdelrazig, ...
Transport reviews 36 (3), 383-412, 2016
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
2D Porous graphitic C3N4 nanosheets/Ag3PO4 nanocomposites for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol
Y Ren, Q Zhao, X Li, W Xiong, M Tade, L Liu
Journal of nanoparticle research 16, 1-8, 2014
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evaluating aging pedestrian crash severity with Bayesian complementary log–log model for improved prediction accuracy
AE Kitali, E Kidando, T Sando, R Moses, EE Ozguven
Transportation Research Record 2659 (1), 155-163, 2017
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
The highway beautification act: towards improving efficiency of the federal outdoor advertising control program
MA Dulebenets, EE Ozguven, R Moses
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 110, 88-106, 2018
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Understanding the factors affecting the frequency and severity of aging population-involved crashes in Florida.
A Omidvar, EE Ozguven, OA Vanli, R Moses
Advances in Transportation Studies, 2016
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Understanding the factors associated with severity of aging population-involved pedestrian crashes in Florida.
AE Kitali, T Sando, EE Ozguven, R Moses
Advances in transportation studies 42, 2017
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Kur nors pasiekiama: 30
Development of exact and heuristic optimization methods for safety improvement projects at level crossings under conflicting objectives
P Singh, J Pasha, R Moses, J Sobanjo, EE Ozguven, MA Dulebenets
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 220, 108296, 2022
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Accident and hazard prediction models for highway–rail grade crossings: a state-of-the-practice review for the USA
OF Abioye, MA Dulebenets, J Pasha, M Kavoosi, R Moses, J Sobanjo, ...
Railway engineering science 28, 251-274, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Electronic nose classification and differentiation of bacterial foodborne pathogens based on support vector machine optimized with particle swarm optimization algorithm
E Bonah, X Huang, R Yi, JH Aheto, R Osae, M Golly
Journal of Food Process Engineering 42 (6), e13236, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Assessment of traffic performance measures and safety based on driver age and experience: A microsimulation based analysis for an unsignalized T-intersection
MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, R Moses, T Sando, W Boot, Y AbdelRazig, ...
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 6 (5 …, 2019
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Assessing perceived driving difficulties under emergency evacuation for vulnerable population groups
OF Abioye, MA Dulebenets, EE Ozguven, R Moses, WR Boot, T Sando
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 72, 100878, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
A comprehensive assessment of the existing accident and hazard prediction models for the highway-rail grade crossings in the state of Florida
J Pasha, MA Dulebenets, OF Abioye, M Kavoosi, R Moses, J Sobanjo, ...
Sustainability 12 (10), 4291, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Development of algorithms for effective resource allocation among highway–rail grade crossings: a case study for the State of Florida
M Kavoosi, MA Dulebenets, J Pasha, OF Abioye, R Moses, J Sobanjo, ...
Energies 13 (6), 1419, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Towards improving sustainability of rail transport by reducing traffic delays at level crossings: A case study for the State of Florida
J Pasha, MA Dulebenets, P Singh, R Moses, J Sobanjo, EE Ozguven
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 1, 100001, 2021
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Development of safety performance functions for restricted crossing U-turn intersections
MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, HH Karabag, M Ghorbanzadeh, R Moses, ...
Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems 146 (6), 04020038, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
Porous polydimethylsiloxane as a gas–liquid interface for microfluidic applications
X Ren, H Lu, JG Zhou, PLG Chong, W Yuan, M Noh
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 26 (1), 120-126, 2016
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation
Transportation accessibility assessment of critical emergency facilities: Aging population-focused case studies in Florida
A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven, H Ozel, MW Horner, R Moses
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Healthy and Active Aging …, 2016
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Transportation
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