Rudinei  Goularte
Rudinei Goularte
Associate Professor, University of São Paulo (USP)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Watch-and-comment as a paradigm toward ubiquitous interactive video editing
RG Cattelan, C Teixeira, R Goularte, MDGC Pimentel
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2008
Techniques for developing more accessible web applications: a survey towards a process classification
AP Freire, R Goularte, RP de Mattos Fortes
Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM international Conference on Design of …, 2007
Interactive multimedia annotations: enriching and extending content
R Goularte, RG Cattelan, JA Camacho-Guerrero, VR Inácio Jr, ...
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 84-86, 2004
Structuring interactive TV documents
R Goularte, E dos Santos Moreira, M da Graça C. Pimentel
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 42-51, 2003
Infra-estrutura de suporte à editoração de material didático utilizando multimídia
MAS de Castro, R Goularte, ER Reami, E dos Santos Moreira
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 1 (1), 61-70, 1997
Video steganography for confidential documents: integrity, privacy and version control
DF de Carvalho, R Chies, AP Freire, LAF Martimiano, R Goularte
Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on design of …, 2008
M4Note: a multimodal tool for multimedia annotations
R Goularte, JA Camacho-Guerrero, VR Inacio, RG Cattelan, ...
WebMedia and LA-Web, 2004. Proceedings, 142-149, 2004
Context-aware support in structured documents for interactive-TV
R Goularte, MGC Pimentel, ES Moreira
Multimedia Systems 11, 367-382, 2006
Personalização e adaptação de conteúdo baseadas em contexto para TV Interativa
R Goularte
Instituto de Ciências da Computação, 2003
Web videos–concerns about accessibility based on user centered design
JMR Villena, BC Ramos, RPM Fortes, R Goularte
Procedia Computer Science 27, 481-490, 2014
Ubiquitous interactive video editing via multimodal annotations
M da Graça C. Pimentel, R Goularte, RG Cattelan, FS Santos, C Teixeira
Changing Television Environments: 6th European Conference, EUROITV 2008 …, 2008
Devices descriptions for context-based content adaptation
R Eisinger, MG Manzato, R Goularte
Third Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB'2005), 9 pp., 2005
KS-SIFT: a keyframe extraction method based on local features
TTDS Barbieri, R Goularte
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 13-17, 2014
Enhancing multimodal annotations with pen-based information
MG Pimentel, R Goularte, RG Cattelan, FS Santos, C Teixeira
Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Workshops (ISMW 2007), 207-213, 2007
Uma Revisão Sistemática sobre a inserção de Acessibilidade nas fases de desenvolvimento da Engenharia de Software em sistemas Web
AL Dias, RPM Fortes, PC Masiero, R Goularte
In IHC, 39-48, 2010
Multimedia content personalization based on peer-level annotation
MG Manzato, DB Coimbra, R Goularte
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 57-66, 2009
Live video adaptation: a context-aware approach
MG Manzato, R Goularte
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the web, 1-8, 2005
Modeling of user interaction in context-aware interactive television application on distributed environments
JB dos Santos Jr, R Goularte, GB Faria, ES Moreira
computer 16, 1, 2001
Temporal video scene segmentation using deep-learning
TH Trojahn, R Goularte
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (12), 17487-17513, 2021
Video shot representation based on histograms
TT de Souza, R Goularte
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 961-966, 2013
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