Melanie Sartore-Baldwin
Explaining the under-representation of women in leadership positions of sport organizations: A symbolic interactionist perspective
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Quest 59 (2), 244-265, 2007
Hegemonic masculinity and the institutionalized bias toward women in men’s collegiate basketball: What do men think?
NA Walker, ML Sartore-Baldwin
Journal of Sport Management 27 (4), 303-315, 2013
The application of social cognitive career theory to sport and leisure career choices
GB Cunningham, J Bruening, ML Sartore, M Sagas, JS Fink
Journal of Career Development 32 (2), 122-138, 2005
The lesbian stigma in the sport context: Implications for women of every sexual orientation
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Quest 61 (3), 289-305, 2009
Gender, sexual prejudice and sport participation: Implications for sexual minorities
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Sex Roles 60, 100-113, 2009
Equity-based sustainability and ecocentric management: Creating more ecologically just sport organization practices
ML Sartore-Baldwin, B McCullough
Sport Management Review 21 (4), 391-402, 2018
The experience of former women officials and the impact on the sporting community
JK Tingle, S Warner, ML Sartore-Baldwin
Sex Roles 71, 7-20, 2014
Weight discrimination, hiring recommendations, person–job fit, and attributions: Fitness-industry implications
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Journal of Sport Management 21 (2), 172-193, 2007
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender athletes in sport
M Sartore-Baldwin
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 6 (1), 141-152, 2012
Gender Representation in the NCAA News: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
GB Cunningham, M Sagas, ML Sartore, ML Amsden, A Schellhase
Sex Roles 50, 861-870, 2004
The process of organizational identity: What are the roles of social responsiveness, organizational image, and identification?
ML Sartore-Baldwin, M Walker
Journal of Sport Management 25 (5), 489-505, 2011
The lesbian label as a component of women’s stigmatization in sport organizations: An exploration of two health and kinesiology departments
M Sartore, G Cunningham
Journal of Sport Management 24 (5), 481-501, 2010
Stereotypes, race, and coaching
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Journal of African American Studies 10, 69-83, 2006
Championing diversity: The influence of personal and organizational antecedents
GB Cunningham, ML Sartore
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (4), 788-810, 2010
Shared responsibility and issues of injustice and harm within sport
ML Sartore-Baldwin, B McCullough, C Quatman-Yates
Quest 69 (3), 366-383, 2017
The influence of applicant sexual orientation, applicant gender, and rater gender on ascribed attributions and hiring recommendations of personal trainers
GB Cunningham, ML Sartore, BP McCullough
Journal of Sport Management 24 (4), 400-415, 2010
Outsourced marketing: it's the communication that matters
M Walker, M Sartore, R Taylor
Management Decision 47 (6), 895-918, 2009
Stigma consciousness and work outcomes of senior woman administrators: The role of workplace incivility
JE Wells, M Sartore-Baldwin, NA Walker, CE Gray
Journal of Sport Management 35 (1), 69-80, 2020
The professional experiences and work-related outcomes of male and female Division I strength and conditioning coaches
ML Sartore-Baldwin
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 27 (3), 831-838, 2013
Sexual prejudice, participatory decisions, and panoptic control: Implications for sexual minorities in sport
ML Sartore, GB Cunningham
Sex Roles 60, 100-113, 2009
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