Julio Cesar Ramirez Pacheco
Oral cancer awareness and knowledge in the city of Valongo, Portugal
LS Monteiro, F Salazar, J Pacheco, S Warnakulasuriya
International journal of dentistry 2012 (1), 376838, 2012
Accurate modeling of VoIP traffic QoS parameters in current and future networks with multifractal and Markov models
H Toral-Cruz, ASK Pathan, JCR Pacheco
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (11-12), 2832-2845, 2013
Distinguishing Stationary/Nonstationary Scaling Processes Using Wavelet Tsallis q‐Entropies
J Ramirez Pacheco, D Torres Román, H Toral Cruz
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 867042, 2012
Sectores Económicos (clasificación, características e importancia)
J Pacheco
Recuperado de: https://www. webyempresas. com/sectoreseconomicos, 2019
RTT prediction in heavy tailed networks
L Rizo-Dominguez, D Munoz-Rodriguez, C Vargas-Rosales, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (4), 700-703, 2014
A very low complexity near ML detector based on QRD-M algorithm for STBC-VBLAST architecture
J Cortez, R Palacio, JC Ramírez-Pacheco, E Ruiz-Ibarra
2015 7th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), 1-5, 2015
Cosh window behaviour of wavelet Tsallis q-entropies in 1/f signals
J Ramirez-Pacheco, D Torres-Roman
Electronics Letters 47 (3), 186, 2011
Local and cumulative analysis of self-similar traffic traces
JCR Pacheco, DT Roman
16th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers …, 2006
A tool for analysis of Internet metrics
PJC Ramirez, RD Torres
2005 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2005
Características para la futura oferta de alojamiento turístico en Cancún, México: Análisis probabilístico y regresión logística
S Lagunas Puls, JC Ramírez Pacheco, R Sonda de la Rosa
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo 23 (1), 101-114, 2014
Wavelet Fisher’s Information Measure of Signals
J Ramírez-Pacheco, D Torres-Román, L Rizo-Dominguez, ...
Entropy 13 (9), 1648-1663, 2011
Accuracy of time-domain algorithms for self-similarity: An empirical study
JCR Pacheco, DT Román
2006 15th International Conference on Computing, 379-384, 2006
¿ Pueden considerarse significativas las reformas fiscales de México?
SL Puls, JCR Pacheco
Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa 22, áginas 78 …, 2016
A tool for long-range dependent analysis via the r/s statistic
JCR Pacheco, DT Román
2006 15th International Conference on Computing, 361-366, 2006
Expectativas para operaciones financieras en los sectores vulnerables mediante Matrices de Transición
S Lagunas Puls, JC Ramírez Pacheco
Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas 12 (2), 71-101, 2017
Wavelet q-Fisher Information for Scaling Signal Analysis
J Ramírez-Pacheco, D Torres-Román, J Argaez-Xool, L Rizo-Dominguez, ...
Entropy 14 (8), 1478-1500, 2012
R/S statistic: Accuracy and implementations
JCR Pacheco, DT Román, LE Vargas
18th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers …, 2008
A self-stabilizing algorithm for a maximal 2-packing in a cactus graph under any scheduler
JA Trejo-Sánchez, JA Fernández-Zepeda, JC Ramírez-Pacheco
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 28 (08), 1021-1045, 2017
High-performance tool for the test of long-memory and self-similarity
J Ramírez-Pacheco, D Torres-Román, H Toral-Cruz, LE Vargas
Simulation Technologies in Networking and Communications: Selecting the Best …, 2014
Behavior of R/S statistic implementations under time-domain operations
JCR Pacheco
2006 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1-4, 2006
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