Simon Whelan
Simon Whelan
No longer in academia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
European Bioinformatics Institute: Birney Ewan 3 Goldman Nick 3 Kasprzyk ...
Nature 420 (6915), 520-562, 2002
Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project
Management Group Liefer Laura A. 51 Wetterstrand Kris A. 51 Good Peter J. 51 ...
nature 447 (7146), 799-816, 2007
A general empirical model of protein evolution derived from multiple protein families using a maximum-likelihood approach
S Whelan, N Goldman
Molecular biology and evolution 18 (5), 691-699, 2001
Molecular phylogenetics: state-of-the-art methods for looking into the past
S Whelan, P Liò, N Goldman
TRENDS in Genetics 17 (5), 262-272, 2001
Covariation in frequencies of substitution, deletion, transposition, and recombination during eutherian evolution
RC Hardison, KM Roskin, S Yang, M Diekhans, WJ Kent, R Weber, ...
Genome research 13 (1), 13-26, 2003
Analyses of deep mammalian sequence alignments and constraint predictions for 1% of the human genome
EH Margulies, GM Cooper, G Asimenos, DJ Thomas, CN Dewey, A Siepel, ...
Genome research 17 (6), 760-774, 2007
The interface of protein structure, protein biophysics, and molecular evolution
DA Liberles, SA Teichmann, I Bahar, U Bastolla, J Bloom, ...
Protein Science, 769-785, 2012
Evidence for mitochondrial DNA recombination in a human population of island Melanesia
E Hagelberg, N Goldman, P Lio, S Whelan, W Schiefenhöel, JB Clegg, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999
Developmental plasticity, morphological variation and evolvability: a multilevel analysis of morphometric integration in the shape of compound leaves
CP Klingenberg, S Duttke, S Whelan, M Kim
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 115-129, 2012
Statistical tests of gamma-distributed rate heterogeneity in models of sequence evolution in phylogenetics
N Goldman, S Whelan
Molecular Biology and Evolution 17 (6), 975-978, 2000
Protein Phylogenetic Analysis of Ca2+/cation Antiporters and Insights into their Evolution in Plants
L Emery, S Whelan, KD Hirschi, JK Pittman
Frontiers in plant science 3, 1, 2012
Distributions of statistics used for the comparison of models of sequence evolution in phylogenetics
S Whelan, N Goldman
Molecular Biology and Evolution 16 (9), 1292-1292, 1999
PREQUAL: detecting non-homologous characters in sets of unaligned homologous sequences
S Whelan, I Irisarri, F Burki
Bioinformatics 34 (22), 3929-3930, 2018
Identifying clusters of high confidence homologies in multiple sequence alignments
RH Ali, M Bogusz, S Whelan
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (10), 2340-2351, 2019
Estimating the frequency of events that cause multiple-nucleotide changes
S Whelan, N Goldman
Genetics 167 (4), 2027-2043, 2004
PANDIT: an evolution-centric database of protein and associated nucleotide domains with inferred trees
S Whelan, PIW de Bakker, E Quevillon, N Rodriguez, N Goldman
Nucleic Acids Research 34 (suppl_1), D327-D331, 2006
Class of multiple sequence alignment algorithm affects genomic analysis
BP Blackburne, S Whelan
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (3), 642-53, 2013
Measuring the distance between multiple sequence alignments
BP Blackburne, S Whelan
Bioinformatics 28, 495-502, 2011
Covariation is a poor measure of molecular coevolution
D Talavera, SC Lovell, S Whelan
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (9), 2456-2468, 2015
A novel use of equilibrium frequencies in models of sequence evolution
N Goldman, S Whelan
Molecular Biology and Evolution 19 (11), 1821-1831, 2002
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