Miroslaw Kornek
Miroslaw Kornek
Universitätsklinikum Bonn
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the …
C Théry, KW Witwer, E Aikawa, MJ Alcaraz, JD Anderson, ...
Journal of extracellular vesicles 7 (1), 1535750, 2018
Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches
JA Welsh, DCI Goberdhan, L O'Driscoll, EI Buzas, C Blenkiron, ...
Journal of extracellular vesicles 13 (2), e12404, 2024
Circulating microparticles as disease-specific biomarkers of severity of inflammation in patients with hepatitis C or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
M Kornek, M Lynch, SH Mehta, M Lai, M Exley, NH Afdhal, D Schuppan
Gastroenterology 143 (2), 448-458, 2012
Large extracellular vesicles: have we found the holy grail of inflammation?
A Słomka, SK Urban, V Lukacs-Kornek, E Żekanowska, M Kornek
Frontiers in immunology 9, 2723, 2018
Cancer-associated circulating large extracellular vesicles in cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma
H Julich-Haertel, SK Urban, M Krawczyk, A Willms, K Jankowski, ...
Journal of hepatology 67 (2), 282-292, 2017
Sublethal heat treatment promotes epithelial‐mesenchymal transition and enhances the malignant potential of hepatocellular carcinoma
S Yoshida, M Kornek, N Ikenaga, M Schmelzle, R Masuzaki, E Csizmadia, ...
Hepatology 58 (5), 1667-1680, 2013
Human T cell microparticles circulate in blood of hepatitis patients and induce fibrolytic activation of hepatic stellate cells
M Kornek, Y Popov, TA Libermann, NH Afdhal, D Schuppan
Hepatology 53 (1), 230-242, 2011
Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cholangiocarcinoma
RIR Macias, M Kornek, PM Rodrigues, NA Paiva, RE Castro, S Urban, ...
Liver international 39, 108-122, 2019
The complex myeloid network of the liver with diverse functional capacity at steady state and in inflammation
C Eckert, N Klein, M Kornek, V Lukacs-Kornek
Frontiers in immunology 6, 179, 2015
Extracellular vesicle profiling and their use as potential disease specific biomarker
H Julich, A Willms, V Lukacs-Kornek, M Kornek
Frontiers in immunology 5, 413, 2014
The contribution of non-professional antigen-presenting cells to immunity and tolerance in the liver
C Mehrfeld, S Zenner, M Kornek, V Lukacs-Kornek
Frontiers in immunology 9, 635, 2018
The kidney-renal lymph node-system contributes to cross-tolerance against innocuous circulating antigen
V Lukacs-Kornek, S Burgdorf, L Diehl, S Specht, M Kornek, C Kurts
The Journal of immunology 180 (2), 706-715, 2008
CD40ligand‐expressing dendritic cells induce regression of hepatocellular carcinoma by activating innate and acquired immunity in vivo
MA Gonzalez‐Carmona, V Lukacs‐Kornek, A Timmerman, S Shabani, ...
Hepatology 48 (1), 157-168, 2008
Combination of systemic thioacetamide (TAA) injections and ethanol feeding accelerates hepatic fibrosis in C3H/He mice and is associated with intrahepatic up regulation of MMP …
M Kornek, E Raskopf, I Guetgemann, M Ocker, S Gerceker, ...
Journal of hepatology 45 (3), 370-376, 2006
Liquid biopsies in hepatocellular carcinoma: are we winning?
T Mocan, AL Simão, RE Castro, CMP Rodrigues, A Słomka, B Wang, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), 1541, 2020
Extracellular vesicles in liver diseases: diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic application
SK Urban, T Mocan, H Sänger, V Lukacs-Kornek, M Kornek
Seminars in liver disease 39 (01), 070-077, 2019
Increased plasma levels of microparticles expressing CD39 and CD133 in acute liver injury
M Schmelzle, K Splith, LW Andersen, M Kornek, D Schuppan, ...
Transplantation 95 (1), 63-69, 2013
Accelerated orthotopic hepatocellular carcinomas growth is linked to increased expression of pro‐angiogenic and prometastatic factors in murine liver fibrosis
M Kornek, E Raskopf, R Tolba, U Becker, M Klöckner, T Sauerbruch, ...
Liver International 28 (4), 509-518, 2008
Tumour-associated circulating microparticles: A novel liquid biopsy tool for screening and therapy monitoring of colorectal carcinoma and other epithelial neoplasia
A Willms, C Müller, H Julich, N Klein, R Schwab, C Güsgen, I Richardsen, ...
Oncotarget 7 (21), 30867, 2016
Microparticles: Modulators and biomarkers of liver disease
M Kornek, D Schuppan
Journal of hepatology 57 (5), 1144-1146, 2012
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