Twan Rutten
Twan Rutten
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Genebank genomics highlights the diversity of a global barley collection
SG Milner, M Jost, S Taketa, ER Mazón, A Himmelbach, M Oppermann, ...
Nature genetics 51 (2), 319-326, 2019
Cryo-electron microscopy reveals the functional organization of an enveloped virus, Semliki Forest virus
EJ Mancini, M Clarke, BE Gowen, T Rutten, SD Fuller
Molecular cell 5 (2), 255-266, 2000
Organization of immature human immunodeficiency virus type 1
T Wilk, I Gross, BE Gowen, T Rutten, F de Haas, R Welker, ...
Journal of virology 75 (2), 759-771, 2001
Uniparental chromosome elimination at mitosis and interphase in wheat and pearl millet crosses involves micronucleus formation, progressive heterochromatinization, and DNA …
D Gernand, T Rutten, A Varshney, M Rubtsova, S Prodanovic, C Bruß, ...
The Plant Cell 17 (9), 2431-2438, 2005
Regulation of pollen tube growth
JAN Derksen, T Rutten, TON Van Amstel, A de Win, F Doris, M Steer
Acta botanica neerlandica 44 (2), 93-119, 1995
Six-rowed spike4 (Vrs4) controls spikelet determinacy and row-type in barley
R Koppolu, N Anwar, S Sakuma, A Tagiri, U Lundqvist, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32), 13198-13203, 2013
Quantitative analysis of the distribution of organelles in tobacco pollen tubes: implications for exocytosis and endocytosis
J Derksen, T Rutten, IK Lichtscheidl, AHN De Win, ES Pierson, G Rongen
Protoplasma 188, 267-276, 1995
Elongation‐related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana
A Junker, G Mönke, T Rutten, J Keilwagen, M Seifert, TMN Thi, JP Renou, ...
The Plant Journal 71 (3), 427-442, 2012
Phylogeny of Crocus (Iridaceae) based on one chloroplast and two nuclear loci: ancient hybridization and chromosome number evolution
D Harpke, S Meng, T Rutten, H Kerndorff, FR Blattner
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 66 (3), 617-627, 2013
Host-induced silencing of Fusarium culmorum genes protects wheat from infection
W Chen, C Kastner, D Nowara, E Oliveira-Garcia, T Rutten, Y Zhao, ...
Journal of experimental botany 67 (17), 4979-4991, 2016
VRS2 regulates hormone-mediated inflorescence patterning in barley
HM Youssef, K Eggert, R Koppolu, AM Alqudah, N Poursarebani, A Fazeli, ...
Nature Genetics 49 (1), 157-161, 2017
Live‐cell CRISPR imaging in plants reveals dynamic telomere movements
S Dreissig, S Schiml, P Schindele, O Weiss, T Rutten, V Schubert, ...
The Plant Journal 91 (4), 565-573, 2017
The genetic basis of composite spike form in barley and ‘Miracle-Wheat’
N Poursarebani, T Seidensticker, R Koppolu, C Trautewig, P Gawroński, ...
Genetics 201 (1), 155-165, 2015
Members of the RKD transcription factor family induce an egg cell‐like gene expression program
D Kőszegi, AJ Johnston, T Rutten, A Czihal, L Altschmied, J Kumlehn, ...
The Plant Journal 67 (2), 280-291, 2011
Gradients of lipid storage, photosynthesis and plastid differentiation in developing soybean seeds
L Borisjuk, TH Nguyen, T Neuberger, T Rutten, H Tschiersch, B Claus, ...
New Phytologist 167 (3), 761-776, 2005
A proteome approach defines protective functions of tobacco leaf trichomes
S Amme, T Rutten, M Melzer, G Sonsmann, JPC Vissers, B Schlesier, ...
Proteomics 5 (10), 2508-2518, 2005
Knockdown of CENH3 in Arabidopsis reduces mitotic divisions and causes sterility by disturbed meiotic chromosome segregation
I Lermontova, O Koroleva, T Rutten, J Fuchs, V Schubert, I Moraes, ...
The Plant Journal 68 (1), 40-50, 2011
Isolation of microtubule‐associated proteins from carrot cytoskeletons: a 120 kDa map decorates all four microtubule arrays and the nucleus
J Chan, T Rutten, C Lloyd
The Plant Journal 10 (2), 251-259, 1996
Combined EM/X-ray imaging yields a quasi-atomic model of the adenovirus-related bacteriophage PRD1 and shows key capsid and membrane interactions
C San Martı́n, RM Burnett, F de Haas, R Heinkel, T Rutten, SD Fuller, ...
Structure 9 (10), 917-930, 2001
Arabidopsis KINETOCHORE NULL2 Is an Upstream Component for Centromeric Histone H3 Variant cenH3 Deposition at Centromeres
I Lermontova, M Kuhlmann, S Friedel, T Rutten, S Heckmann, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (9), 3389-3404, 2013
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