Iulii Didovets
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Climate change impact on regional floods in the Carpathian region
I Didovets, V Krysanova, G Bürger, S Snizhko, V Balabukh, A Bronstert
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 22, 100590, 2019
Hydrological impacts of moderate and high-end climate change across European river basins
A Lobanova, S Liersch, JP Nunes, I Didovets, J Stagl, S Huang, H Koch, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 18, 15-30, 2018
Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources in three representative Ukrainian catchments using eco-hydrological modelling
I Didovets, A Lobanova, A Bronstert, S Snizhko, CF Maule, V Krysanova
Water 9 (3), 204, 2017
Central Asian rivers under climate change: Impacts assessment in eight representative catchments
I Didovets, A Lobanova, V Krysanova, C Menz, Z Babagalieva, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 34, 100779, 2021
Climate change impact on water availability of main river basins in Ukraine
I Didovets, V Krysanova, FF Hattermann, MRR López, S Snizhko, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 32, 100761, 2020
How evaluation of global hydrological models can help to improve credibility of river discharge projections under climate change
V Krysanova, J Zaherpour, I Didovets, SN Gosling, D Gerten, N Hanasaki, ...
Climatic Change 163, 1353-1377, 2020
Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature and precipitation in Central Asia
B Fallah, E Russo, C Menz, P Hoffmann, I Didovets, FF Hattermann
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 6854, 2023
Rapid assessment of climate risks for irrigated agriculture in two river basins in the Aral Sea Basin
A Lobanova, I Didovets, C Menz, A Umirbekov, Z Babagalieva, ...
Agricultural Water Management 243, 106381, 2021
Attribution of current trends in streamflow to climate change for 12 Central Asian catchments
I Didovets, V Krysanova, A Nurbatsina, B Fallah, V Krylova, A Saparova, ...
Climatic Change 177 (1), 16, 2024
Climate change impacts on Central Asia: Trends, extremes and future projections
B Fallah, I Didovets, M Rostami, M Hamidi
International Journal of Climatology 44 (10), 3191-3213, 2024
Climate risk analysis for identifying and weighing adaptation strategies in Ethiopia’s agricultural sector
L Murken, M Cartsburg, A Chemura, I Didovets, S Gleixner, H Koch, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Potsdam …, 2020
Climate impact on flood changes–an Austrian-Ukrainian comparison
S Snizhko, M Bertola, V Ovcharuk, O Shevchenko, I Didovets, G Blöschl
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 71 (3), 271-282, 2023
Ukraine’s water security under pressure: Climate change and wartime
S Snizhko, I Didovets, A Bronstert
Water Security 23, 100182, 2024
Analysis of the water quality parameters in the Amudarya River
A Lobanova, I Didovets
Analytical Report CAREC Berlin, 2019
Assessment of climate change impacts on water catchments using ecohydrological modelling. Water 9
I Didovets, A Lobanova, A Bronstert, S Snizhko, CF Maule, V Krysanova
Использование водно-балансовой модели Турка и численной региональной модели REMO для оценки водных ресурсов местного стока в Украине в XXI веке
СИ Снежко, ИВ Куприков, ОГ Шевченко, ЕМ Павельчук, ЮС Дидовец
Вестник Брянского государственного университета, 191-201, 2014
Уточнення норм та характерних періодів зміни середнього річного стоку річок Житомирської області
СІ Сніжко, ЄМ Павельчук, ЮС Дідовець
Український гідрометеорологічний журнал 14, 185-193, 2014
Attributing historical streamflow changes in the Jhelum River basin to climate change
M Javed, I Didovets, J Böhner, S Hasson
Climatic Change 176 (11), 149, 2023
Temperature projections in Ukraine in the 21st century with RCP-scenarios
S Snizhko, O Shevchenko, I Didovets, A Ganchuk, D Demchuk-Marygina
Hydrology, Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology, 3 (54), 157-158, 2019
Summary on climate change projections and hydrological impacts for small pilot areas i n the Aral Sea basin (the Aspara and Isfara catchments and the Priaralye district)
A Lobanova, I Didovets, C Menz, V Krysanova, F Hattermann
Potsdam, Germany, 2017
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