Diana Ortega-Ariza
Diana Ortega-Ariza
Kansas Geological Survey - University of Kansas
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Ultra-high Resolution Pollen Record from the Northern Andes Reveals Rapid Shifts in Montane Climates Within the Last Two Glacial Cycles
MHM Groot, RG Bogotá, LJ Lourens, H Hooghiemstra, M Vriend, ...
Climate of the Past 7, 299-316, 2010
The earliest Caribbean rodents: Oligocene caviomorphs from Puerto Rico
J Vélez-Juarbe, T Martin, RDE Macphee, D Ortega-Ariza
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34 (1), 157-163, 2014
Strontium isotope stratigraphy for Oligocene-Miocene carbonate systems in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic: implications for Caribbean processes affecting depositional …
D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen, H Santos-Mercado, WR Ramírez-Martínez, ...
The Journal of Geology 123 (6), 539-560, 2015
Effects of sea level and upwelling on development of a Miocene shallow-water tropical carbonate ramp system, Ponce, Puerto Rico
D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen, MK Boudagher-Fadel
Journal of Sedimentary Research 11 (91), 1227–1256, 2021
Effects of Sea Level and Upwelling on Development of a Miocene Shallow-Water Tropical Carbonate Ramp System, Ponce, Puerto Rico, USA
D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen
Abstract Book, Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomite, 113-114, 2016
Establishing a high resolution sequence stratigraphy & sea-level curve for tertiary limestones, Puerto Rico
DL Ortega Ariza
The importance of foraminifera in providing paleoecologic and biostratigraphic information for a Miocene tropical carbonate system: Cicuco Field, NW Colombia
B Khameiss, S Ishman, D Ortega-Ariza, A Torres-Zamora, EK Franseen
Stratigraphy & Timescales 8, 237-263, 2023
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Controls on Oligocene-Miocene Caribbean Carbonate-Dominated Systems, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic
D Ortega-Ariza
University of Kansas, 2016
Las Calizas de la Costa Norte de Puerto Rico
D Ortega-Ariza, H Santos-Mercado, EK Franseen, W Ramirez-Martinez
EspeloRevista 9, 6-12, 2013
Miocene-Pliocene Heterozoan-Dominated Systems in the Dominican Republic: Analogs for Neogene Reservoirs in the Caribbean
EE Core, WR Ramírez, H Santos, D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2016
Rapid shifts in South American montane climates driven by pCO2 and ice volume changes over the last two glacial cycles
MHM Groot, LJ Lourens, H Hooghiemstra, M Vriend, JC Berrio, E Tuenter, ...
Identifying and characterizing Miocene tropical transitional carbonate systems (TTCS) in the Caribbean: The significance of coral and large benthic foraminifera classification
D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen, MK BouDagher-Fadel, B Khameiss, ...
Stratigraphy & Timescales 8, 189-235, 2023
100 Million Year Old Paleodrainage Systems in Western Georgia-Eastern Alabama
CM Torres, JC Truitt, D Ortega-Ariza, CI Barineau
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 345439, 2020
Paleorelief on the Upper Cretaceous Coastal Plain unconformity in eastern Alabama and western Georgia
JC Truitt, CM Torres, D Ortega-Ariza, CI Barineau
Geological Society of America Abstracts 51, 327816, 2019
Regional Upwelling as a Major Control in Development of a Miocene Heterozoan-Dominated Carbonate System in a Tropical Setting, Puerto Rico
D Ortega-Ariza, EK Franseen
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2015
The utility of Kuphus incrassatus bivalves for determining absolute ages and shallow water marine environments in Tertiary carbonate and siliciclastic systems in the Caribbean
D Ortiz-Ariza
Abstract, GSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 9-12 October, 2011
An Upper Cretaceous paleodrainage system on the Coastal Plain unconformity of Alabama-Georgia
C Barineau, D Ortega-Ariza
Sequence stratigraphy: the future defined
B Hart, NC Rosen, D West, A D’Agostino, C Messina, M Hoffman, R Wild
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2017
Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy from Oyster Shells, Pliocene, Spain
M Harris, D Ortega-Ariza, RH Goldstein, EK Franseen, AV Hess
Geological Society of America Abstracts 56, 398803, 2024
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Miocene Cicuco Field, NW Colombia
B Khameiss, S Ishman, A Torres-Zamora, D Ortega-Ariza, E Franseen
Geological Society of America Abstracts 55, 391810, 2023
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