An artificial intelligence-based approach to deal with argumentation applied to food quality in a public health policy JR Bourguet, R Thomopoulos, ML Mugnier, J Abécassis
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (11), 4539-4546, 2013
68 2013 Representing a reference foundational ontology of events in A Botti Benevides, JR Bourguet, G Guizzardi, R Peñaloza, JPA Almeida
Applied Ontology 14 (3), 293-334, 2019
48 2019 Towards a unified model of preference-based argumentation JR Bourguet, L Amgoud, R Thomopoulos
International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems …, 2010
24 2010 Contribution aux méthodes d'argumentation pour la prise de décision JR Bourguet
Application à l'arbitrage au sein de la filière céréalière. Mémoire de Thèse …, 2010
19 * 2010 Answering queries that may have results in the future: a case study in food science R Thomopoulos, JR Bourguet, B Cuq, A Ndiaye
Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (5), 491-495, 2010
18 2010 Representing the UFO-B foundational ontology of events in SROIQ AB Benevides, JR Bourguet, G Guizzardi, R Peñaloza
Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2017 Episode 3: The Tyrolean …, 2017
10 2017 About the Exposition of Brazilian Jurisprudences. JR Bourguet, MZ Costa
ONTOBRAS, 138-143, 2016
6 2016 Recommendation filtering à la carte for intelligent tutoring systems W Silva, M Spalenza, JR Bourguet, E de Oliveira
International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation, 58-65, 2020
4 2020 An easy-to-read visual approach to deal with peer reviews and self-assessments in virtual learning environments W Silva, J Alves, JO Brito, JR Bourguet, E de Oliveira
Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data and …, 2020
4 2020 Lukewarm Starts for Computerized Adaptive Testing Based on Clustering and IRT W Silva, M Spalenza, JR Bourguet, E de Oliveira
International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 287-301, 2020
3 2020 Mercado de trabalho sob mediação digital: um estudo de termos em plataformas digitais às ofertas de vagas no setor de arquivos TV Aldabalde, KI Melo, JR Bourguet
Liinc em Revista 16 (1), e5137-e5137, 2020
2 2020 JPoT: Just another Populator of TBoxes. JR Bourguet, ES Vitória
SIMBig, 109-115, 2017
2 2017 Scoring judicial syllabi in Portuguese JR Bourguet, M Zorzanelli Costa
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 119-124, 2017
2 2017 Empirically evaluating three proposals for representing changes in OWL2 J Bourguet, G Guizzardi, AB Benevides, V Zamborlini
Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2017 Episode 3: The Tyrolean …, 2017
2 2017 LooPings: a Look at Semantic Similarities. A Sow, JR Bourguet
IWSW, 23-32, 2016
2 2016 TROvE: a Graphical Tool to Evaluate OWL Reasoners. JR Bourguet, L Pulina
ORE, 30-35, 2014
2 2014 Obda and intermodal logistics: Active projects and applications JR Bourguet, G Cicala, L Pulina, A Tacchella
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems: 7th International Conference, RR 2013 …, 2013
2 2013 FRaQuE: A Framework for Rapid Query Processing Evaluation. JR Bourguet, L Pulina
ORE, 53-60, 2013
2 2013 A reduction-based approach for solving disjunctive temporal problems with preferences JR Bourguet, M Maratea, L Pulina
AI* IA 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XIIIth International …, 2013
2 2013 Supporting argumentation systems by graph representation and computation J Fortin, R Thomopoulos, JR Bourguet, ML Mugnier
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Second …, 2011
2 2011