Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Maarten VansteenkisteMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 9
Promoting self-regulated learning: A motivational analysis
L Willy, V Maarten
Motivation and self-regulated learning, 141-168, 2012
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Parenting, identity formation, and college adjustment: A mediation model with longitudinal data
K Luyckx, B Soenens, L Goossens, M Vansteenkiste
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
When is parental monitoring effective? A person-centered analysis of the role of autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting in referred and non-referred …
A Rodríguez-Meirinhos, M Vansteenkiste, B Soenens, A Oliva, K Brenning, ...
Journal of youth and Adolescence 49, 352-368, 2020
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Does motivation predict changes in academic achievement beyond intelligence and personality? A multitheoretical perspective.
J Lavrijsen, M Vansteenkiste, M Boncquet, K Verschueren
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (4), 772, 2022
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Killing two birds with one stone: The role of motivational resources in predicting changes in achievement and school well-being beyond intelligence
M Boncquet, B Soenens, K Verschueren, J Lavrijsen, N Flamant, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 63, 101905, 2020
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Is intelligence related to perfectionism? Multidimensional perfectionism and parental antecedents among adolescents across varying levels of cognitive ability
J Lavrijsen, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, K Verschueren
Journal of Personality 89 (4), 652-671, 2021
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Reciprocal associations between daily need-based experiences, energy, and sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome.
R Campbell, M Vansteenkiste, L Delesie, E Tobback, A Mariman, ...
Health Psychology 37 (12), 1168, 2018
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
“You are so smart!”: The role of giftedness, parental feedback, and parents’ mindsets in predicting students’ mindsets
M Boncquet, J Lavrijsen, M Vansteenkiste, K Verschueren, B Soenens
Gifted Child Quarterly 66 (3), 220-237, 2022
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Motivation Science
B Vrijders, N Weinstein, S Paulmann, B Soenens, J Waterschoot, ...
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Ergens beschikbaar: 92
Explaining the relationships between job characteristics, burnout, and engagement: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction
A Van den Broeck, M Vansteenkiste, H De Witte, W Lens
Work & stress 22 (3), 277-294, 2008
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Capturing autonomy, competence, and relatedness at work: Construction and initial validation of the Work‐related Basic Need Satisfaction scale
A Van den Broeck, M Vansteenkiste, H De Witte, B Soenens, W Lens
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 83 (4), 981-1002, 2010
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Self-determination theory
RM Ryan, EL Deci
Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research, 6229-6235, 2024
Mandaten: US Department of Education
On the relations among work value orientations, psychological need satisfaction and job outcomes: A self‐determination theory approach
M Vansteenkiste, B Neyrinck, CP Niemiec, B Soenens, H De Witte, ...
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 80 (2), 251-277, 2007
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Not all job demands are equal: Differentiating job hindrances and job challenges in the Job Demands–Resources model
A Van den Broeck, N De Cuyper, H De Witte, M Vansteenkiste
European journal of work and organizational psychology 19 (6), 735-759, 2010
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physical education students' motivational experiences through unique pathways? Distinguishing between the …
L Haerens, N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, B Soenens, S Van Petegem
Psychology of sport and exercise 16, 26-36, 2015
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Toward an integrative and fine-grained insight in motivating and demotivating teaching styles: The merits of a circumplex approach.
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, L Haerens, B Soenens, JRJ Fontaine, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (3), 497, 2019
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts.
PJ Teixeira, MM Marques, MN Silva, J Brunet, JL Duda, L Haerens, ...
Motivation science 6 (4), 438, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Business Finland
Rebels with a cause? Adolescent defiance from the perspective of reactance theory and self‐determination theory
S Van Petegem, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, W Beyers
Child development 86 (3), 903-918, 2015
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Does observed controlling teaching behavior relate to students’ motivation in physical education?
J De Meyer, IB Tallir, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, N Aelterman, ...
Journal of educational psychology 106 (2), 541, 2014
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Students’ objectively measured physical activity levels and engagement as a function of between-class and between-student differences in motivation toward physical education
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, H Van Keer, L Van den Berghe, ...
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 34 (4), 457-480, 2012
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
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