Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - ANTONIO ALEDOMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 1
Socio-emotional reasons and loyalty to mass tourism destinations
A Aledo, JA Domínguez-Gómez
Regional Intelligence: Spatial Analysis and Anthropogenic Regional …, 2020
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Ergens beschikbaar: 22
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) from a multidimensional paradigmatic perspective: Challenges and opportunities
A Aledo-Tur, JA Domínguez-Gómez
Journal of environmental management 195, 56-61, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Complejos turísticos residenciales: Análisis del crecimiento del turismo residencial en el Mediterráneo español y en el Litoral Nordestino (Brasil) y su impacto socio-ambiental
J Demajorovic, A Aledo Tur, B Landi, AL Mantovani Kondo
Estudios y perspectivas en Turismo 20 (4), 772-796, 2011
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Social vulnerability to natural hazards in tourist destinations of developed regions
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, J Melgarejo-Moreno
Science of the total Environment 709, 135870, 2020
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Adapting social impact assessment to flood risk management
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, J Melgarejo-Moreno, A Vallejos-Romero
Sustainability 13 (6), 3410, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Spain
A proposed framework for participatory forest restoration in semiarid areas of North Africa
M Derak, J Cortina, L Taiqui, A Aledo
Restoration ecology 26, S18-S25, 2018
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Participatory multi-criteria decision analysis for prioritizing impacts in environmental and social impact assessments
G Ortiz, JA Domínguez-Gómez, A Aledo, AM Urgeghe
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 14 (1), 6-21, 2018
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Causal maps and indirect influences analysis in the diagnosis of Second‐Home tourism impacts
H García‐Andreu, G Ortiz, A Aledo
International Journal of Tourism Research 17 (5), 501-510, 2015
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Prioritizing areas for ecological restoration: A participatory approach based on cost‐effectiveness
E Silva, W Naji, P Salvaneschi, E Climent‐Gil, M Derak, G López, A Bonet, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (6), 1194-1205, 2023
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Incorporating supra-local social structure into social impact assessment using causal network analysis
A Aledo, G Ortiz, JJ Mañas-Navarro, E Climent-Gil, A Vallejos-Romero
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 89, 106604, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Planificación participativa de la restauración ecológica en un paisaje semiárido altamente antropizado
E Silva, M Derak, E Climent-Gil, A Aledo, A Bonet, G López, ...
Ecosistemas 30 (3), 2266-2266, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Factors of uncertainty in the integrated management of water resources: The case of water reuse
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, J Melgarejo
WIT Press, 2019
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Spain
Unravelling social barriers in ecological restoration decision‐making: A network analysis approach
JJ Mañas‐Navarro, A Aledo, G Ortiz, J Cortina‐Segarra
Land Degradation & Development 34 (16), 4897-4911, 2023
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Propuesta metodológica para medir y evaluar la vulnerabilidad social de los territorios turísticos a nivel local
MNF Silva, A Aledo, EW Correa Dantas
Universidad de Alicante, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Development of a Social Vulnerability Indicator and its Application to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
G Ortiz, JA Domínguez-Gómez, A Aledo, AM Urgeghe
Conferinta Central si Est Europeana LUMEN: New Approaches in Social and …, 2015
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Vulnerabilidad social ante inundaciones: una mirada en red
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, G Ortiz
Universidad de Alicante, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Impactos del fenómeno Airbnb en destinos turístico-residenciales: un diagnóstico desde los actores locales
I Jimeno, A Aledo, A Ortuño Padilla
Universidad de Alicante, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Adapting social impact assessment to flood risk management. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3410
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, J Melgarejo-Moreno, A Vallejos-Romero
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Tools for participative prioritization of ecological restoration in the region of Valencia (southeastern Spain)
J Cortina, A Aledo, A Bonet, M Derak, J Girón, GM López Iborra, G Ortiz, ...
Forêt Méditerranéenne, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Cómo escribir mensajes de alerta frente a inundaciones
P Aznar-Crespo, A Aledo, G Ortiz, J Tur-Vives
Universidad de Jaén, 2024
Mandaten: Government of Spain
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