Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Gabriele LenziniMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 6
Transparent medical data systems
D Spagnuelo, G Lenzini
Journal of medical systems 41, 1-12, 2017
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Detecting misalignments between system security and user perceptions: a preliminary socio-technical analysis of an e2e email encryption system
B Stojkovski, IV Sandoval, G Lenzini
2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW …, 2019
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Modelling of railway signalling system requirements by controlled natural languages: a case study
G Lenzini, M Petrocchi
From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools, and Back: Essays …, 2019
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund, Government of Italy
Using emotions and topics to understand online misinformation
Y Chuai, A Rossi, G Lenzini
International Conference on Web Engineering, 395-400, 2023
Mandaten: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
A secure authentication protocol for cholesteric spherical reflectors using homomorphic encryption
MP Arenas, MA Bingol, H Demirci, G Fotiadis, G Lenzini
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, 425-447, 2022
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Trust Level Evaluation Engine for Dynamic Trust Assessment with Reference to Subjective Logic
A Petrovska, G Gelardi, H Demirci, E Koçyiğit, G Lenzini, A Hermann, ...
IFIP International Conference on Trust Management, 37-55, 2023
Mandaten: European Commission
Ergens beschikbaar: 47
” I am Definitely Manipulated, Even When I am Aware of it. It’s Ridiculous!”-Dark Patterns from the End-User Perspective
K Bongard-Blanchy, A Rossi, S Rivas, S Doublet, V Koenig, G Lenzini
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 763-776, 2021
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
High-fidelity spherical cholesteric liquid crystal Bragg reflectors generating unclonable patterns for secure authentication
Y Geng, JH Noh, I Drevensek-Olenik, R Rupp, G Lenzini, JPF Lagerwall
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26840, 2016
Mandaten: European Commission
Cholesteric liquid crystal shells as enabling material for information‐rich design and architecture
M Schwartz, G Lenzini, Y Geng, PB Rønne, PYA Ryan, JPF Lagerwall
Advanced Materials 30 (30), 1707382, 2018
Mandaten: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Formalizing GDPR provisions in reified I/O logic: the DAPRECO knowledge base
L Robaldo, C Bartolini, M Palmirani, A Rossi, M Martoni, G Lenzini
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29, 401-449, 2020
Mandaten: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, European Commission
Preserving data privacy in machine learning systems
SZ El Mestari, G Lenzini, H Demirci
Computers & Security 137, 103605, 2024
Mandaten: European Commission
On deception-based protection against cryptographic ransomware
ZA Genç, G Lenzini, D Sgandurra
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 16th …, 2019
Mandaten: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Transparency by design in data-informed research: A collection of information design patterns
A Rossi, G Lenzini
Computer Law & Security Review 37, 105402, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission
Accomplishing Transparency within the General Data Protection Regulation.
D Spagnuelo, A Ferreira, G Lenzini
ICISSP, 114-125, 2019
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Towards legal compliance by correlating standards and laws with a semi-automated methodology
C Bartolini, A Giurgiu, G Lenzini, L Robaldo
BNAIC 2016: Artificial Intelligence: 28th Benelux Conference on Artificial …, 2017
Mandaten: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
The framework of security-enhancing friction: How UX can help users behave more securely
V Distler, G Lenzini, C Lallemand, V Koenig
Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop 2020, 45-58, 2020
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Maybe poor johnny really cannot encrypt: The case for a complexity theory for usable security
Z Benenson, G Lenzini, D Oliveira, S Parkin, S Uebelacker
Proceedings of the 2015 New Security Paradigms Workshop, 85-99, 2015
Mandaten: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
What’s in a Cyber Threat Intelligence sharing platform? A mixed-methods user experience investigation of MISP
B Stojkovski, G Lenzini, V Koenig, S Rivas
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2021
Mandaten: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Linking physical objects to their digital twins via fiducial markers designed for invisibility to humans
M Schwartz, Y Geng, H Agha, R Kizhakidathazhath, D Liu, G Lenzini, ...
Multifunctional Materials 4 (2), 022002, 2021
Mandaten: US Department of Defense, European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
When cryptographic ransomware poses cyber threats: Ethical challenges and proposed safeguards for cybersecurity researchers
M Botes, G Lenzini
2022 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW …, 2022
Mandaten: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
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