Rahmat Arief
Rahmat Arief
National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - BRIN)
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Wide-area near-real-time monitoring of tropical forest degradation and deforestation using Sentinel-1
D Hoekman, B Kooij, M Quiñones, S Vellekoop, I Carolita, S Budhiman, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3263, 2020
Monthly burned-area mapping using multi-sensor integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 and machine learning: Case study of 2019's fire events in South Sumatra province, Indonesia
S Arjasakusuma, SS Kusuma, Y Vetrita, I Prasasti, R Arief
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 27, 100790, 2022
Three-dimensional convolutional neural network on Multi-temporal Synthetic aperture radar images for Urban Flood potential mapping in Jakarta
I Riyanto, M Rizkinia, R Arief, D Sudiana
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1679, 2022
A hybrid convolutional neural network and random forest for burned area identification with optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data
D Sudiana, AI Lestari, I Riyanto, M Rizkinia, R Arief, AS Prabuwono, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (3), 728, 2023
Semivariogram fitting based on SVM and GPR for DEM interpolation
A Setiyoko, AM Arymurthy, T Basaruddin, R Arief
IOP Conference series: Earth and Environmental science 311 (1), 012076, 2019
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation
I Riyanto, L Margatama, R Arief, D Sudiana, H Sudibyo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1201 (1), 012028, 2019
Quality assessment of DEM generated from SAR radargrammetry based on cross-correlation and spatial resolution setting
R Arief, A Setiyoko, R Maulana, S Ali, D Sudiana, AM Arymurthy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1201 (1), 012027, 2019
Analisis Perbandingan Data Level-1 Sentinel 1A/B (Data SLC dan GRD) Menggunakan Software SNAP dan GAMMA
Q Amriyah, R Arief, HS Dyatmika, R Maulana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2019: Peningkatan Pemanfaatan …, 2019
Pemanfaatan Data Satelit Radar untuk Wilayah Darat di Indonesia: Peluang dan Tantangan
D Kushardono, R Arief
Jakarta: LIPI Press dan LAPAN, 2020
Kebutuhan Pengguna Data Penginderaan Jauh di Indonesia: Studi Awal untuk Conceptual Design Review Satelit SAR Ekuatorial Indonesia InaRSSat-1
D Kushardono, RD Dimyati, KA Sambodo, R Arief, A Maryanto
Proceedings The 2nd International Conference of Indonesian Society for …, 2016
Detecting the burned area in southern Kalimantan by using the sentinel-1 polarimetric SAR and landsat-8 OLI optic
I Prasasti, KIN Rahmi, JT Nugroho, J Sitorus, R Arief, D Triyono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528 (1), 012048, 2020
The Use of Sentinel-1 in Response to Sequences of Natural Disasters in Indonesia: The South Kalimantan Floods and The Mamuju-Majene Earthquake
N Hayati, MG Royyan, R Arief, MR Darminto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1127 (1), 012008, 2023
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data applications for tropical peatlands monitoring activities: An overview
DA Novresiandi, A Setiyoko, R Arief
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 29, 100893, 2023
A fusion of digital elevation model based on interferometry SAR technique from ascending and descending path in urban area
R Arief, HS Dyatmika, S Ali
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 500 (1), 012035, 2020
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Generation with Repeat Pass Interferometry Method Using TerraSAR-X/Tandem-X (Study Case in Bandung Area)
S Ali, R Arief, HS Dyatmika, R Maulana, MI Rahayu, A Sondita, A Setiyoko, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 280 (1), 012019, 2019
Study of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Extraction using Stereo Radargrammetry TerraSAR-X in Madiun Area–Elevation Accuracy Improvement
IL Sari, R Maulana, HS Dyatmika, A Suprijanto, R Arief, S Ali
E3S Web of Conferences 94, 04003, 2019
Development of pushbroom airborne camera system using multispectrum line scan industrial camera
A Maryanto, N Widijatmiko, W Sunarmodo, M Soleh, R Arief
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences 13 (1), 27-38, 2016
Integration development of polar L-band orbit multi-satellite data receiver system
AAPB Dwi, AS Nasution, BS Adhitama, FH Rasyidy, MT Imdad, ...
2022 6th International Conference on Information Technology, Information …, 2022
Burnt-Area Quick Mapping Method with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Rokhmatuloh, Ardiansyah, S Indratmoko, I Riyanto, L Margatama, R Arief
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 11922, 2022
Modifikasi Digital Elevation Model Citra Resolusi Tinggi Menggunakan Fusi Interferometri SAR dan StereoSAR Berbasis Faktor Pembobotan
HS Dyatmika, R Arief, D Sudiana, S Ali, R Maulana, ME Budiono
Jurnal Penginderaan Jauh dan Pengolahan Data Citra Digital 15 (2), 2019
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