John T. Andrews

John T. Andrews

Professor Geological Sciences, University of Colorado
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Sitert av 31258
John J Clague

John J Clague

Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Science, Simon Fraser University
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Sitert av 30805
Yoshiki SAITO

Yoshiki SAITO

Designated Professor, Estuary Research Center, Shimane University/ Geological Survey of …
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Sitert av 29848
Gifford H Miller

Gifford H Miller

Distinguished Professor, INSTAAR and Geological Sciences, University of Colorado
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Sitert av 27594
Prof. P.L. Gibbard

Prof. PL Gibbard

Professor of Quaternary Palaeoenvironments
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Sitert av 26990
Bas van Geel

Bas van Geel

Guest researcher (officially retired) at Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
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Sitert av 26319
Jan Mangerud

Jan Mangerud

Prof. emeritus, University of Bergen, Dept. of Earth Science and Bjerknes Center for Climate
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Sitert av 22912
Gerald C. Nanson

Gerald C. Nanson

Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong
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Sitert av 16122
David J Briggs

David J Briggs

Emeritus Professor, Imperial College London
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Sitert av 15071
Duane Froese

Duane Froese

Professor Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta
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Sitert av 14946
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