Martin Benkenstein
Martin Benkenstein
Professor for Service Management, University of Rostock
Verifisert e-postadresse på uni-rostock.de
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Relationships between service quality and behavioral outcomes: A study of private bank customers in Germany
U Yavas, M Benkenstein, U Stuhldreier
International journal of bank marketing 22 (2), 144-157, 2004
Strategisches Marketing: ein wettbewerbsorientierter Ansatz
M Benkenstein, C Brock
Kohlhammer Verlag, 2021
Sport stadium atmosphere: Formative and reflective indicators for operationalizing the construct
S Uhrich, M Benkenstein
Journal of Sport Management 24 (2), 211-237, 2010
When good WOM hurts and bad WOM gains: The effect of untrustworthy online reviews
T Reimer, M Benkenstein
Journal of Business research 69 (12), 5993-6001, 2016
Dienstleistungsqualtiät: Ansätze zur Messung und Implikationen für die Steuerung
M Benkenstein
na, 1993
Physical and social atmospheric effects in hedonic service consumption: customers' roles at sporting events
S Uhrich, M Benkenstein
The Service Industries Journal 32 (11), 1741-1757, 2012
How commitment to fellow customers affects the customer-firm relationship and customer citizenship behavior
S Curth, S Uhrich, M Benkenstein
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (2), 147-158, 2014
Altruistic eWOM marketing: More than an alternative to monetary incentives
T Reimer, M Benkenstein
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31, 323-333, 2016
Access-based services as substitutes for material possessions: the role of psychological ownership
MP Fritze, A Marchand, AB Eisingerich, M Benkenstein
Journal of Service Research 23 (3), 368-385, 2020
Typologisierung von Dienstleistungen
M Benkenstein, J Güthoff
Zeitschrift fur Betriebswirtschaft 66, 1493-1510, 1996
Entscheidungsorientiertes Marketing: Eine Einführung
M Benkenstein
Springer-Verlag, 2013
F & E und Marketing: eine Untersuchung zur Leistungsfähigkeit von Koordinationskonzeptionen bei Innovationsentscheidungen
M Benkenstein
(No Title), 1987
Not just for the recommender: How eWOM incentives influence the recommendation audience
T Reimer, M Benkenstein
Journal of Business Research 86, 11-21, 2018
Der Grad vertikaler Integration als strategisches Entscheidungsproblem. Eine transaktionskostentheoretische Interpretation
M Benkenstein, N Henke
Die Betriebswirtschaft 53 (1), 77-91, 1993
Besonderheiten des Innovationsmanagements in Dienstleistungsunternehmungen
M Benkenstein
Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement: Von der strategischen Konzeption zur …, 1998
Emotional and cognitive antecedents of customer satisfaction in leisure services: the case of the Rostock Zoo
M Benkenstein, U Yavas, D Forberger
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 10 (3-4), 173-184, 2003
Communicating CSR-linked sponsorship: Examining the influence of three different types of message sources
T Flöter, M Benkenstein, S Uhrich
Sport Management Review 19 (2), 146-156, 2016
Responses to other similar customers in a service setting–analyzing the moderating role of perceived performance risk
A Dorothea Brack, M Benkenstein
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (2), 138-146, 2014
The effects of overall similarity regarding the customer-to-customer-relationship in a service context
AD Brack, M Benkenstein
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (5), 501-509, 2012
Topics for service management research-a European perspective
M Benkenstein, M Bruhn, M Büttgen, C Hipp, M Matzner, FW Nerdinger
SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 1 (1), 4-21, 2017
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