Matthew L. Meuter
Matthew L. Meuter
Professor of Marketing, California State University, Chico
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Self-service technologies: understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters
ML Meuter, AL Ostrom, RI Roundtree, MJ Bitner
Journal of marketing 64 (3), 50-64, 2000
Technology infusion in service encounters
MJ Bitner, SW Brown, ML Meuter
Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 28 (1), 138-149, 2000
Choosing among alternative service delivery modes: An investigation of customer trial of self-service technologies
ML Meuter, MJ Bitner, AL Ostrom, SW Brown
Journal of marketing 69 (2), 61-83, 2005
The influence of technology anxiety on consumer use and experiences with self-service technologies
ML Meuter, AL Ostrom, MJ Bitner, R Roundtree
Journal of business research 56 (11), 899-906, 2003
Self‐service technology adoption: comparing three technologies
JM Curran, ML Meuter
Journal of services marketing 19 (2), 103-113, 2005
A comparison of attitude, personality, and knowledge predictors of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors.
LA Bettencourt, KP Gwinner, ML Meuter
Journal of applied psychology 86 (1), 29, 2001
Implementing successful self-service technologies
MJ Bitner, AL Ostrom, ML Meuter
Academy of management perspectives 16 (4), 96-108, 2002
Intentions to use self-service technologies: a confluence of multiple attitudes
JM Curran, ML Meuter, CF Surprenant
Journal of Service Research 5 (3), 209-224, 2003
Getting smart: Learning from technology-empowered frontline interactions
D Marinova, K de Ruyter, MH Huang, ML Meuter, G Challagalla
Journal of Service Research 20 (1), 29-42, 2017
Can’t we pick our own groups? The influence of group selection method on group dynamics and outcomes
KJ Chapman, M Meuter, D Toy, L Wright
Journal of management education 30 (4), 557-569, 2006
Self-service technologies: extending service frameworks and identifying issues for research
ML Meuter, MJ Bitner
American marketing association. Conference proceedings 9, 12, 1998
Encouraging existing customers to switch to self-service technologies: put a little fun in their lives
JM Curran, ML Meuter
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 15 (4), 283-298, 2007
The service recovery paradox: true but overrated?
S Michel, ML Meuter
International Journal of service industry management 19 (4), 441-457, 2008
Electronic word-of-mouth versus interpersonal word-of-mouth: are all forms of word-of-mouth equally influential?
ML Meuter, DB McCabe, JM Curran
Services Marketing Quarterly 34 (3), 240-256, 2013
A student view of technology in the classroom: Does it enhance the seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education?
DB McCabe, ML Meuter
Journal of Marketing Education 33 (2), 149-159, 2011
Are student groups dysfunctional? Perspectives from both sides of the classroom
KJ Chapman, ML Meuter, D Toy, LK Wright
Journal of Marketing Education 32 (1), 39-49, 2010
On‐line waiting: The role of download time and other important predictors on attitude toward e‐retailers
GM Rose, ML Meuter, JM Curran
Psychology & Marketing 22 (2), 127-151, 2005
A refined view of download time impacts on e‐consumer attitudes and patronage intentions toward e‐retailers
GM Rose, J Lees, ML Meuter
International Journal on Media Management 3 (2), 105-111, 2001
The adoption of technology orientation in healthcare delivery: Case study of a large‐scale hospital and healthcare system's electronic health record
OF Lee, ML Meuter
International journal of pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing 4 (4), 355-374, 2010
Self-service technologies
AL Ostrom, MJ Bitner, ML Meuter
e-Service: New directions in theory and practice, 45-64, 2016
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