A novel actor–critic–identifier architecture for approximate optimal control of uncertain nonlinear systems S Bhasin, R Kamalapurkar, M Johnson, KG Vamvoudakis, FL Lewis, ...
Automatica 49 (1), 82-92, 2013
607 2013 Approximate optimal trajectory tracking for continuous-time nonlinear systems R Kamalapurkar, H Dinh, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
Automatica 51, 40-48, 2015
227 2015 Combined MRAC for unknown MIMO LTI systems with parameter convergence SB Roy, S Bhasin, IN Kar
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (1), 283-290, 2017
168 2017 Predictor-based control for an uncertain Euler–Lagrange system with input delay N Sharma, S Bhasin, Q Wang, WE Dixon
Automatica 47 (11), 2332-2342, 2011
152 2011 Approximate -Player Nonzero-Sum Game Solution for an Uncertain Continuous Nonlinear System M Johnson, R Kamalapurkar, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 26 (8), 1645-1658, 2014
88 2014 RISE-based adaptive control of a control affine uncertain nonlinear system with unknown state delays N Sharma, S Bhasin, Q Wang, WE Dixon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (1), 255-259, 2011
83 2011 Composite adaptation for neural network-based controllers PM Patre, S Bhasin, ZD Wilcox, WE Dixon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (4), 944-950, 2010
83 2010 A switching-based collaborative fractional order fuzzy logic controllers for robotic manipulators R Sharma, S Bhasin, P Gaur, D Joshi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 73, 228-246, 2019
69 2019 Composite adaptive control of uncertain Euler‐Lagrange systems with parameter convergence without PE condition S Basu Roy, S Bhasin, IN Kar
Asian Journal of Control 22 (1), 1-10, 2020
61 2020 Dynamic neural network-based robust observers for uncertain nonlinear systems HT Dinh, R Kamalapurkar, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
Neural Networks 60, 44-52, 2014
59 2014 Nonlinear control of an autonomous underwater vehicle: A RISE-based approach N Fischer, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 3972-3977, 2011
56 2011 Initial excitation-based iterative algorithm for approximate optimal control of completely unknown LTI systems SK Jha, SB Roy, S Bhasin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (12), 5230-5237, 2019
54 2019 A UGES switched MRAC architecture using initial excitation SB Roy, S Bhasin, IN Kar
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 7044-7051, 2017
51 2017 Robust identification-based state derivative estimation for nonlinear systems S Bhasin, R Kamalapurkar, HT Dinh, WE Dixon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (1), 187-192, 2012
48 2012 Asymptotic tracking by a reinforcement learning-based adaptive critic controller S Bhasin, N Sharma, P Patre, W Dixon
Journal of Control Theory and Applications 9, 400-409, 2011
48 2011 Nonlinear two-player zero-sum game approximate solution using a policy iteration algorithm M Johnson, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and european control …, 2011
47 2011 Parameter convergence via a novel PI-like composite adaptive controller for uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems SB Roy, S Bhasin, IN Kar
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1261-1266, 2016
45 2016 Adaptive neural network satellite attitude control in the presence of inertia and CMG actuator uncertainties W MacKunis, K Dupree, S Bhasin, WE Dixon
2008 American Control Conference, 2975-2980, 2008
42 2008 Attractive ellipsoid sliding mode observer design for state of charge estimation of lithium-ion cells A Nath, R Gupta, R Mehta, SS Bahga, A Gupta, S Bhasin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 14701-14712, 2020
33 2020 Direct adaptive optimal control for uncertain continuous-time LTI systems without persistence of excitation SK Jha, SB Roy, S Bhasin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 65 (12), 1993-1997, 2018
33 2018