Midgar: Generation of heterogeneous objects interconnecting applications. A Domain Specific Language proposal for Internet of Things scenarios CG García, BCP G-Bustelo, JP Espada, G Cueva-Fernandez Computer Networks 64, 143-158, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
Virtual objects on the internet of things JP Espada, OS Martínez, BCPG Bustelo, JMC Lovelle IJIMAI 1 (4), 23-29, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |
Social4all: Definition of specific adaptations in Web applications to improve accessibility RG Crespo, JP Espada, D Burgos Computer Standards & Interfaces 48, 1-9, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
Method for analysing the user experience in MOOC platforms JP Espada, CC Rodríguez, V García-Díaz, RG Crespo 2014 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 157-162, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Fuzzy decision method to improve the information exchange in a vehicle sensor tracking system G Cueva-Fernandez, JP Espada, V García-Díaz, R Gonzalez-Crespo Applied Soft Computing 35, 708-716, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Midgar: Domain-specific language to generate smart objects for an internet of things platform CG García, JP Espada, ERN Valdez, VG Díaz 2014 Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet …, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
An approach to improve the accuracy of probabilistic classifiers for decision support systems in sentiment analysis V García-Díaz, JP Espada, RG Crespo, BCP G-Bustelo, JMC Lovelle Applied Soft Computing 67, 822-833, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Vitruvius: An expert system for vehicle sensor tracking and managing application generation G Cueva-Fernandez, JP Espada, V García-Díaz, CG García, ... Journal of network and computer applications 42, 178-188, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Extensible architecture for context-aware mobile web applications JP Espada, RG Crespo, OS Martínez, BCP G-Bustelo, JMC Lovelle Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9686-9694, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Modeling architecture for collaborative virtual objects based on services JP Espada, OS Martínez, JMC Lovelle, BCP G-Bustelo, MÁ Álvarez, ... Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34 (5), 1634-1647, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
Fuzzy system to adapt web voice interfaces dynamically in a vehicle sensor tracking application definition G Cueva-Fernandez, JP Espada, V García-Díaz, RG Crespo, ... Soft Computing 20, 3321-3334, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Platform for controlling and getting data from network connected drones in indoor environments AA Pereira, JP Espada, RG Crespo, SR Aguilar Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 656-662, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Using extended web technologies to develop Bluetooth multi-platform mobile applications for interact with smart things JP Espada, VG Díaz, RG Crespo, OS Martínez, BCP G-Bustelo, ... Information Fusion 21, 30-41, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
New advances in the Internet of Things RR Yager, JP Espada Springer International Publishing, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Swift vs. Objective-C: A new programming language CG García, JP Espada, BCPG Bustelo, JMC Lovelle IJIMAI 3 (3), 74-81, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Analyzing compliance and application of usability guidelines and recommendations by web developers L Alonso-Virgós, JP Espada, RG Crespo Computer Standards & Interfaces 64, 117-132, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Web page design recommendations for people with down syndrome based on users’ experiences L Alonso-Virgós, L Rodríguez Baena, J Pascual Espada, ... Sensors 18 (11), 4047, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
An intelligent Mobile Web Browser to adapt the mobile web as a function of the physical environment JP Espada, VG Diaz, RG Crespo, BCPG Bustelo, JMC Lovelle IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (2), 503-509, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Towards a standard-based domain-specific platform to solve machine learning-based problems JM Cueva-Lovelle, V García-Díaz, BC Pelayo García-Bustelo, ... International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Test usability guidelines and follow conventions. Useful recommendations from web developers L Alonso-Virgós, JP Espada, J Thomaschewski, RG Crespo Computer Standards & Interfaces 70, 103423, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |