David J Baker
David J Baker
Environment & Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter
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Mechanisms underpinning climatic impacts on natural populations: altered species interactions are more important than direct effects
N Ockendon, DJ Baker, JA Carr, EC White, REA Almond, T Amano, ...
Global change biology 20 (7), 2221-2229, 2014
Landscape‐scale responses of birds to agri‐environment management: a test of the English Environmental Stewardship scheme
DJ Baker, SN Freeman, PV Grice, GM Siriwardena
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (4), 871-882, 2012
Integrating climate change vulnerability assessments from species distribution models and trait-based approaches
SG Willis, W Foden, DJ Baker, E Belle, ND Burgess, JA Carr, N Doswald, ...
Biological Conservation 190, 167-178, 2015
Global patterns in the divergence between phylogenetic diversity and species richness in terrestrial birds
A Voskamp, DJ Baker, PA Stephens, PJ Valdes, SG Willis
Journal of Biogeography 44 (4), 709-721, 2017
Choice of baseline climate data impacts projected species’ responses to climate change
DJ Baker, AJ Hartley, S Butchart, SG Willis
Global Change Biology 22 (7), 2392-2404, 2016
Effects of temperature on the foraging and growth rate of juvenile common carp, Cyprinus carpio
DO Oyugi, J Cucherousset, DJ Baker, JR Britton
Journal of Thermal Biology 37 (1), 89-94, 2012
Geographical variation in species' population responses to changes in temperature and precipitation
JW Pearce-Higgins, N Ockendon, DJ Baker, J Carr, EC White, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1818), 20151561, 2015
Conserving the abundance of nonthreatened species
DJ Baker, ST Garnett, J O'Connor, G Ehmke, RH Clarke, JCZ Woinarski, ...
Conservation Biology 33 (2), 319-328, 2019
Assessing climate change impacts for vertebrate fauna across the West African protected area network using regionally appropriate climate projections
DJ Baker, AJ Hartley, ND Burgess, SHM Butchart, JA Carr, RJ Smith, ...
Diversity and Distributions 21 (9), 991-1003, 2015
Correlations between spatial sampling biases and environmental niches affect species distribution models
DJ Baker, IMD Maclean, M Goodall, KJ Gaston
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (6), 1038-1050, 2022
Species distribution modelling is needed to support ecological impact assessments
DJ Baker, IMD Maclean, M Goodall, KJ Gaston
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (1), 21-26, 2021
Soil bacterial communities exhibit strong biogeographic patterns at fine taxonomic resolution
SK Bay, MA McGeoch, O Gillor, N Wieler, DJ Palmer, DJ Baker, ...
Msystems 5 (4), 10.1128/msystems. 00540-20, 2020
Neglected issues in using weather and climate information in ecology and biogeography
DJ Baker, AJ Hartley, JW Pearce‐Higgins, RG Jones, SG Willis
Diversity and Distributions 23 (3), 329-340, 2017
Are the costs of routine vigilance avoided by granivorous foragers?
DJ Baker, RA Stillman, SL Smart, JM Bullock, KJ Norris
Functional Ecology 25 (3), 617-627, 2011
Are there physiological correlates of dominance in natural trout populations?
KA Sloman, D Baker, S Winberg, RW Wilson
Animal Behaviour 76 (4), 1279-1287, 2008
The effect of habitat complexity on the functional response of a seed‐eating passerine
DJ Baker, RA Stillman, JM Bullock
Ibis 151 (3), 547-558, 2009
Vigilance and the functional response of granivorous foragers
DJ Baker, RA Stillman, BM Smith, JM Bullock, KJ Norris
Functional Ecology 24 (6), 1281-1290, 2010
Spectrum of artificial light at night drives impact of a diurnal species in insect food web
D Sanders, DJ Baker, D Cruse, F Bell, FJF van Veen, KJ Gaston
Science of the Total Environment 831, 154893, 2022
The power to detect regional declines in common bird populations using continental monitoring data
DJ Baker, RH Clarke, MA McGeoch
Ecological Applications 29 (5), e01918, 2019
Conservation management of moorland: a case study of the effectiveness of a combined suite of management prescriptions which aim to enhance breeding bird populations
J Calladine, CNR Critchley, D Baker, J Towers, A Thiel
Bird Study 61 (1), 56-72, 2014
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