Challenging microwave resonant measurement techniques for conducting material characterization A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, E Silva, N Pompeo
Measurement Science and Technology 30 (6), 065601, 2019
39 2019 Microwave measurements of the high magnetic field vortex motion pinning parameters in Nb3Sn A Alimenti, N Pompeo, K Torokhtii, T Spina, R Flükiger, L Muzzi, E Silva
Superconductor Science and Technology 34 (1), 014003, 2020
21 2020 Surface Impedance Measurements on Nb Sn in High Magnetic Fields A Alimenti, N Pompeo, K Torokhtii, T Spina, R Flükiger, L Muzzi, E Silva
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 29 (5), 1-4, 2019
18 2019 Pinning properties of FeSeTe thin film through multifrequency measurements of the surface impedance N Pompeo, K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, G Sylva, V Braccini, E Silva
Superconductor Science and Technology 33 (11), 114006, 2020
17 2020 Intrinsic anisotropy and pinning anisotropy in nanostructured YBa2Cu3O7− δ from microwave measurements N Pompeo, A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, E Bartolomé, A Palau, T Puig, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 33 (4), 044017, 2020
17 2020 Vortex pinning properties at dc and microwave frequencies of YBa2Cu3O7-x films with nanorods and nanoparticles E Bartolomé, J Alcalà, F Vallés, T Puig, X Obradors, N Pompeo, A Alimenti, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 33 (7), 074006, 2020
16 2020 Physics of vortex motion by means of microwave surface impedance measurements N Pompeo, A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, E Silva
Low Temperature Physics 46 (4), 343-347, 2020
16 2020 Q-factor of microwave resonators: Calibrated vs. uncalibrated measurements K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, N Pompeo, F Leccese, F Orsini, A Scorza, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1065 (5), 052027, 2018
16 2018 A method based on a dual frequency resonator to estimate physical parameters of superconductors from surface impedance measurements in a magnetic field N Pompeo, K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, E Silva
Measurement 184, 109937, 2021
13 2021 Optimization of Q-factor and resonance frequency measurements in partially calibrated resonant systems K Torokhtii, N Pompeo, E Silva, A Alimenti
Measurement: Sensors 18, 100314, 2021
12 2021 Estimation of microwave resonant measurements uncertainty from uncalibrated data K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, N Pompeo, E Silva
Acta IMEKO 9 (3), 47-52, 2020
12 2020 Microwave properties of Fe (Se, Te) thin films in a magnetic field: Pinning and flux flow N Pompeo, A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, G Sylva, V Braccini, E Silva
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1559 (1), 012055, 2020
12 2020 Characterisation of dielectric 3D-printingmaterials at microwave frequencies A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, N Pompeo, E Piuzzi, E Silva
Acta Imeko 9 (3), 26-32, 2020
11 2020 A dielectric loaded resonator for the measurement of the complex permittivity of dielectric substrates A Alimenti, E Pittella, K Torokhtii, N Pompeo, E Piuzzi, E Silva
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72, 1-9, 2023
10 2023 Surface impedance measurements in superconductors in DC magnetic fields: Challenges and relevance to particle physics experiments A Alimenti, N Pompeo, K Torokhtii, E Silva
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24 (9), 12-20, 2021
10 2021 Pinning, flux flow resistivity, and anisotropy of Fe (Se, Te) thin films from microwave measurements through a bitonal dielectric resonator N Pompeo, A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, G Sylva, V Braccini, E Silva
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 31 (5), 1-5, 2021
10 2021 Uncertainty in uncalibrated microwave resonant measurements K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, N Pompeo, E Silva
Proc. 24th IMEKO TC4 Int. Symp, 98-101, 2019
9 2019 Frequency span optimization for asymmetric resonance curve fitting K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, N Pompeo, E Silva
2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2021
7 2021 Design and test of a new dielectric-loaded resonator for the accurate characterization of conductive and dielectric materials A Alimenti, K Torokhtii, P Vidal García, N Pompeo, E Silva
Sensors 23 (1), 518, 2023
6 2023 Proposal: Apparatus for sensing the effect of surface roughness on the surface resistance of metals K Torokhtii, A Alimenti, P Vidal García, N Pompeo, E Silva
Sensors 23 (1), 139, 2022
5 2022