Sarwar Nizam
Sarwar Nizam
GFZ Helmholtz Centre, Germany
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High levels of fluoride in groundwater from Northern parts of Indo-Gangetic plains reveals detrimental fluorosis health risks
S Nizam, HS Virk, IS Sen
Environmental Advances 8, 100200, 2022
Geogenic controls on the high levels of uranium in alluvial aquifers of the Ganga Basin
S Nizam, S Dutta, IS Sen
Applied Geochemistry 143, 105374, 2022
Biomass-derived provenance dominates glacial surface organic carbon in the Western Himalaya
S Nizam, IS Sen, V Vinoj, V Galy, D Selby, MF Azam, SK Pandey, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (14), 8612-8621, 2020
Occurrence , sources , and spatial distribution of fluoride in the Ganga alluvial aquifer , India
S Nizam, T Acharya, I Dutta, Subham and Sen
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2022
Lead isotope evidence for enhanced anthropogenic particle transport to the Himalayas during summer months
A Mitra, IS Sen, SK Pandey, V Velu, L Reisberg, M Bizimis, C Cloquet, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (20), 13697-13708, 2021
High levels of fluoride in groundwater from Northern parts of Indo-Gangetic plains reveals detrimental fluorosis health risks. Environ Adv 8: 100200
S Nizam, HS Virk, IS Sen
Melting of the Chhota Shigri Glacier, Western Himalaya, insensitive to anthropogenic emission residues: insights from geochemical evidence
S Nizam, IS Sen, T Shukla, D Selby
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (19), e2021GL092801, 2021
Effect of southwest monsoon withdrawal on mass loading and chemical characteristics of aerosols in an urban city over the Indo-Gangetic Basin
S Nizam, IS Sen
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (4), 347-355, 2018
Geochemical evolution of dissolved trace elements in space and time in the Ramganga River, India
IS Sen, S Nizam, A Ansari, M Bowes, B Choudhary, M Glendell, S Ray, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (10), 1150, 2023
The Magnitude and Implications of Atmospheric CO2 Released by Metamorphic Processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen (FALL MEETING 2022)
S Pradhan, IS Sen, T Shukla, S Nizam
Authorea Preprints, 2023
The Magnitude and Implications of Atmospheric CO2 Released by Metamorphic Processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen
S Pradhan, IS Sen, T Shukla, S Nizam
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, EP56B-03, 2022
Time-Series Record of Ambient Platinum Group Elements over a Remote Himalayan Station: Insights over the Baseline Estimate to Judge Future Changes
S Nizam, A Mitra, S Shukla, S Misra, IS Sen
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 233, 1-9, 2022
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