Effect of hatch spacing on melt pool and as-built quality during selective laser melting of stainless steel: Modeling and experimental approaches Z Dong, Y Liu, W Wen, J Ge, J Liang Materials 12 (1), 50, 2018 | 204 | 2018 |
A multiscale elasto-plastic damage model for the nonlinear behavior of 3D braided composites C He, J Ge, D Qi, J Gao, Y Chen, J Liang, D Fang Composites Science and Technology 171, 21-33, 2019 | 164 | 2019 |
A hierarchical multiscale model for the elastic-plastic damage behavior of 3D braided composites at high temperature C He, J Ge, B Zhang, J Gao, S Zhong, WK Liu, D Fang Composites Science and Technology 196, 108230, 2020 | 124 | 2020 |
A coupled elastic-plastic damage model for the mechanical behavior of three-dimensional (3D) braided composites J Ge, C He, J Liang, Y Chen, D Fang Composites Science and Technology 157, 86-98, 2018 | 117 | 2018 |
Design and mechanical property studies of 3D re-entrant lattice auxetic structure J Shen, K Liu, Q Zeng, J Ge, Z Dong, J Liang Aerospace Science and Technology 118, 106998, 2021 | 69 | 2021 |
Fatigue life estimation under multiaxial random loading by means of the equivalent Lemaitre stress and multiaxial S–N curve methods J Ge, Y Sun, S Zhou International Journal of Fatigue 79, 65-74, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Stiffness design of a multilayer arbitrary BCC lattice structure with face sheets Y Liu, Z Dong, J Ge, X Lin, J Liang Composite Structures 230, 111485, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
The effects of fiber radius and fiber shape deviations and of matrix void content on the strengths and failure mechanisms of UD composites by computational micromechanics C He, J Ge, X Cao, Y Chen, H Chen, D Fang Composites Science and Technology 218, 109139, 2022 | 46 | 2022 |
A data-driven self-consistent clustering analysis for the progressive damage behavior of 3D braided composites C He, J Gao, H Li, J Ge, Y Chen, J Liu, D Fang Composite Structures 249, 112471, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Microstructural heterogeneity of AlSi10Mg alloy lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting: Phenomena and mechanism Z Dong, Y Liu, Q Zhang, J Ge, S Ji, W Li, J Liang Journal of Alloys and Compounds 833, 155071, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Multiscale computation for transient heat conduction problem with radiation boundary condition in porous materials Z Yang, J Cui, Y Sun, J Ge Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 102, 7-18, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
High-fidelity modeling of 3D woven composites considering inhomogeneous intra-yarn fiber volume fractions Z Liu, J Ge, K Liu, M Li, B Zhang, H Wang, J Huang, J Liang Composite Structures 290, 115505, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
In-plane impact dynamics of honeycomb structure containing curved reentrant sides with negative Poisson’s ratio effect J Shen, J Ge, J Xiao, J Liang Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (10), 1489-1497, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
Damage characterization and numerical simulation of shear experiment of plain woven glass-fiber reinforced composites based on 3D geometric reconstruction Q Zeng, L Sun, J Ge, W Wu, J Liang, D Fang Composite Structures 233, 111746, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Determination of the strength of a multilayer BCC lattice structure with face sheets Y Liu, Z Dong, J Liang, J Ge International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 152, 568-575, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
A hybrid frequency–time domain method for predicting multiaxial fatigue life of 7075‐T6 aluminium alloy under random loading J Ge, Y Sun, S Zhou, L Zhang, Y Zhang, Q Zhang Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 38 (3), 247-256, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Fabrication of fly ash cenospheres-hollow glass microspheres/borosilicate glass composites for high temperature application S Ren, X Tao, X Ma, J Liu, H Du, A Guo, J Xu, J Liang, S Chen, J Ge Ceramics International 44 (1), 1147-1155, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
From microscale to mesoscale: The non-linear behavior prediction of 3D braided composites based on the SCA2 concurrent multiscale simulation C He, J Ge, J Gao, J Liu, H Chen, WK Liu, D Fang Composites Science and Technology 213, 108947, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of composite bolted joint under constant amplitude cycle loading S Zhou, Y Sun, J Ge, X Chen Composites Part B: Engineering 74, 131-137, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
A novel modeling method for the mechanical behavior of 3D woven fabrics considering yarn distortion M Li, K Liu, J Ge, J Xie, Z Liu, B Zhang, J Huang, J Liang Composites Science and Technology 230, 109691, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |