Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ... Physics Letters B 716 (1), 30-61, 2012 | 22292* | 2012 |
The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC Cms Collaboration Journal of instrumentation 3 (August 2008), 1-334, 2008 | 11336* | 2008 |
Particle-flow reconstruction and global event description with the CMS detector CMS collaboration Journal of Instrumentation 12 (10), P10003, 2017 | 3113 | 2017 |
Jet energy scale and resolution in the CMS experiment in pp collisions at 8 TeV CMS collaboration arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.03663, 2016 | 2258* | 2016 |
Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ... Physics Letters B 710 (1), 26-48, 2012 | 1288 | 2012 |
Measurement of the Inclusive W and Z Production Cross Sections in pp Collisions at sqrt (s)= 7 TeV CMS collaboration arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.4789, 2011 | 1135 | 2011 |
Pileup per particle identification D Bertolini, P Harris, M Low, N Tran Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (10), 1-22, 2014 | 1029 | 2014 |
Dark matter benchmark models for early LHC run-2 searches: report of the ATLAS/CMS dark matter forum D Abercrombie, N Akchurin, E Akilli, JA Maestre, B Allen, BA Gonzalez, ... Physics of the Dark Universe 27, 100371, 2020 | 994 | 2020 |
Observation of Higgs boson decay to bottom quarks AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ... Physical review letters 121 (12), 121801, 2018 | 926 | 2018 |
Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at√ s= 13 TeV using the CMS detector AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ... IOP Publishing, 2019 | 865 | 2019 |
Evidence for the 125 GeV Higgs boson decaying to a pair of τ leptons S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ... Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (5), 1-72, 2014 | 799 | 2014 |
Missing transverse energy performance of the CMS detector CMS collaboration Journal of Instrumentation 6 (09), P09001, 2011 | 601 | 2011 |
Pileup mitigation at CMS in 13 TeV data CMS collaboration arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.00503, 2020 | 600 | 2020 |
Fast inference of deep neural networks in FPGAs for particle physics J Duarte, S Han, P Harris, S Jindariani, E Kreinar, B Kreis, J Ngadiuba, ... Journal of instrumentation 13 (07), P07027, 2018 | 597 | 2018 |
Performance of the CMS missing transverse momentum reconstruction in pp data at√ s= 8 TeV CMS collaboration Journal of Instrumentation 10 (02), P02006, 2015 | 530 | 2015 |
Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case D Curtin, M Drewes, M McCullough, P Meade, RN Mohapatra, J Shelton, ... Reports on progress in physics 82 (11), 116201, 2019 | 502 | 2019 |
Search for invisible decays of a Higgs boson produced through vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at s= 13TeV AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ... Physics Letters B 793, 520-551, 2019 | 492 | 2019 |
Recommendations on presenting LHC searches for missing transverse energy signals using simplified s-channel models of dark matter A Boveia, O Buchmueller, G Busoni, F D’Eramo, A De Roeck, ... Physics of the Dark Universe 27, 100365, 2020 | 455 | 2020 |
Technical proposal for the Phase-II upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid CMS collaboration, CMS Collaboration CMS Technical Proposal CERN-LHCC-2015-010, CMS-TDR-15-02, 2015 | 452 | 2015 |
Evidence for the direct decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to fermions Cms Collaboration Nature Physics 10 (8), 557-560, 2014 | 445 | 2014 |