Anisotropic intrinsic lattice thermal conductivity of phosphorene from first principles G Qin, QB Yan, Z Qin, SY Yue, M Hu, G Su
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439 2015 Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV–VI compounds: A comparative study G Qin, Z Qin, WZ Fang, LC Zhang, SY Yue, QB Yan, M Hu, G Su
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280 2016 Hinge-like structure induced unusual properties of black phosphorus and new strategies to improve the thermoelectric performance G Qin, QB Yan, Z Qin, SY Yue, HJ Cui, QR Zheng, G Su
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250 2014 Orbitally driven low thermal conductivity of monolayer gallium nitride (GaN) with planar honeycomb structure: a comparative study Z Qin, G Qin, X Zuo, Z Xiong, M Hu
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184 2017 Resonant bonding driven giant phonon anharmonicity and low thermal conductivity of phosphorene G Qin, X Zhang, SY Yue, Z Qin, H Wang, Y Han, M Hu
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148 2016 Anomalously temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of monolayer GaN with large deviations from the traditional law G Qin, Z Qin, H Wang, M Hu
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131 2017 External electric field driving the ultra-low thermal conductivity of silicene G Qin, Z Qin, SY Yue, QB Yan, M Hu
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89 2017 First-principles study of electronic, optical and thermal transport properties of group III–VI monolayer MX (M= Ga, In; X= S, Se) H Wang, G Qin, J Yang, Z Qin, Y Yao, Q Wang, M Hu
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83 2019 Negative Poisson’s ratio in two-dimensional honeycomb structures G Qin, Z Qin
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78 2020 Lone-pair electrons induced anomalous enhancement of thermal transport in strained planar two-dimensional materials G Qin, Z Qin, H Wang, M Hu
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68 2018 Tuning magnetism of monolayer GaN by vacancy and nonmagnetic chemical doping Q Zhao, Z Xiong, Z Qin, L Chen, N Wu, X Li
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62 2016 Origin of anisotropic negative Poisson’s ratio in graphene Z Qin, G Qin, M Hu
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54 2018 Lone-Pair Electrons Do Not Necessarily Lead to Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity: An Exception of Two-Dimensional Penta-CN2 H Wang, G Qin, Z Qin, G Li, Q Wang, M Hu
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53 2018 Design of a new two-dimensional diluted magnetic semiconductor: Mn-doped GaN monolayer Q Zhao, Z Xiong, L Luo, Z Sun, Z Qin, L Chen, N Wu
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51 2017 On the diversity in the thermal transport properties of graphene: A first-principles-benchmark study testing different exchange-correlation functionals G Qin, Z Qin, H Wang, M Hu
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47 2018 Giant effect of spin–lattice coupling on the thermal transport in two-dimensional ferromagnetic CrI 3 G Qin, H Wang, L Zhang, Z Qin, M Hu
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45 2020 High-throughput computational evaluation of lattice thermal conductivity using an optimized Slack model G Qin, A Huang, Y Liu, H Wang, Z Qin, X Jiang, J Zhao, J Hu, M Hu
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43 2022 The exceptionally high thermal conductivity after ‘alloying’two-dimensional gallium nitride (GaN) and aluminum nitride (AlN) H Wang, D Wei, J Duan, Z Qin, G Qin, Y Yao, M Hu
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35 2021 Exploring Mn 2+-location-dependent red emission from (Mn/Zn)–Ga–Sn–S supertetrahedral nanoclusters with relatively precise dopant positions Q Zhang, J Lin, YT Yang, ZZ Qin, D Li, S Wang, Y Liu, X Zou, YB Wu, T Wu
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35 2016 Softened bonding network leads to strong anharmonicity and weak hydrodynamics in graphene+ L Yu, A Chen, X Wang, H Wang, Z Qin, G Qin
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